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\nu_{0}=k\left[S \mid \quad \nu_{0}=\frac{k|S|}{K+|S|} \quad c_{0}=\frac{k \mid S]^{2}}{k+\mid S]^{2}} \quad \quad_{b}=\frac{k\left\lfloor\left. S\right|^{3}\right.}{k+\left\lfloor\left. S\right|^{3}\right.}\right. 3. Enzymatic reactions are used extensively to characterise biologically mediated reactions in environmental engineering. Proposed rate expressions

for an enzymatic reaction are given below where [S] is the substrate concentration and vo is the initial rate of reaction. Which formula best fits the experimental data? (Here k and K are fitting parameters.)

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3