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OThe following questions all concern the same system of an ideal gas. a) A system of gas can undergo several quasi-static processes. Name four such processes, and give the defining property of each process. b) Define a state function. c) Identify which of the following are examples of state functions.

d) During a quasi-static process the system experiences no change in volume, a reduction in temperature of 10 K, and the internal energy of the system decreases by 4 kJ. How much work is done by the system, and how much heat is exchanged with the environment? e) The specific heat capacity of the gas is 2.03 J.g-¹K-1, and the molar mass ofthe gas is 18.02 g.mol-¹. Given the previously described process, how manymoles of the gas are in the system? f) If the gas can be described by the ideal gas equation, and the volume is determined to be V = 0.8 m³, what is the change in pressure during the quasi-static process?

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