1- Explain why, initially, steel reinforcement does not corrode in concrete.
2- What is the cathodic reaction of steel corrosion in concrete?
3- Explain why tidal zone is considered as the most severe exposure condition for
coastal reinforced concrete structures?
4- What is the main difference between SR cement and GP cement composition?
5- Figure 1 presents the total chloride profiles calculated for a concrete exposed to
sea water for different periods of time up to 50 years. The initial chloride content of
the concrete is assumed nil (C0 = 0). The total chloride surface concentration (at x =
0) is assumed to be equal to 2% of the cement mass (Cw = 2%). The total chloride
threshold adopted (for steel corrosion to start) is 0.4% of the cement mass. The
service life of the building is expected to be 50 years. Providing the chloride profiles
presented in Figure 1, what is the minimum concrete cover required?
Fig: 1