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Please answer the following questions:

1. How does Akaky the man differ from Akaky the ghost?

2. In "In Russia, the Ultimate Scary Story Is About Losing

Your Coat," Wilson states, "Gogol's story, at its heart,

is a frightening tale of poverty and social isolation. It

is also a testament to the power of hauntings that take

place on a larger scale, where ghosts seek to collect

debts not for individual transgressions but for the

failings of an entire society" (1-2).

How does Akaky's ghost "collect debts"? Please note:

Wilson's "In Russia, the Ultimate Scary Story Is About

Losing Your Coat" can be found in the Homework section of

the Week 7 folder.

3. Satire is the use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or

ridicule to expose and criticize the faults of

individuals, groups, institutions, or society in general.

How does Gogol use satire in this short story?

Address 1st question in 100 words

Address 2nd and 3rd questions in 150 words (each)

Fig: 1