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Please refer to the spectral albedo curves shown below to answer the question son the next page about a LandSAT-style multi spectral sensor onboard an orbiting satellite.

Assume a multispectral satellite sensor acquires data readings in 3 visible bands:"blue" = 400-500nm; “green” = 500-600nm; "red"=600-700nm; and 2 infrared bands: "nir" (near infrared)=700-800nm; and "thermal"=800-1200nm(i.e. 8 to 12microns), so it measures intensity values in a total of 5 bands. Assuming a spectral irradiance with a uniform value of 1.0 across all wavelengths 400-1200nm, and that the multi spectral sensor has uniform spectral response of 1.0 within each band's range of wavelengths, and 0.0 response outside that range, answer thefollowing. a)the measured intensity value for water is highest in which visible band (answerchoices are: red, green or blue)? Answer with letter A, B, or C A) red B)green C)blue

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6

Fig: 7