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Problem 1 The dry adiabatic lapse rate (discussed in class) is 10°C km². That means for every km of elevation, the 'natural' cooling because of the ideal gas law is

10°C. The atmospheric pressure decreases with elevation at roughly 0.11 atm km'. The MW of dry air is 28.97 g/mole. Let's say a pocket of air at ground level (with a P=1 atm, T=40°C) rises 1 km in elevation in a dry environment. What is it's density at ground level, and what is its density after it rises to 1km in elevation (hint, its P and T changes according to the rates above) (in g/L)?а. b. If the "actual" temperature of the atmosphere at 1 km elevation is only 9°C cooler (soT=31°C), what is the density of the air 'outside the pocket' that rose (in g/L)? So is the pocket of air that rose to 1 km in elevation less dense or more dense than the air"outside of it'? Does the pocket of air keep rising or does it fall? (denser air pockets falls,lighter air pockets rises) Is the atmosphere stable or unstable? What sort of air pollution plume' would occur (if you could see it).

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4