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Problem 3 a) Calculate the standard heat of reaction for the complete combustion of methane at 800 °C.b) Calculate the amount of heat that is released in a furnace that burns methane in 20% excess air, if the furnace temperature is 800 °C at the pressure is 2 bar. Assume that the inlet gases are already at 800°C asthe enter the furnace. c) Repeat part b but this time the inlet gases are at 40°C, 2 bar. Additional data: Assume that the reaction is complete and that products are carbon dioxide and water.The heat capacities of the gases are given in Problem ??. 3 a) Calculate the standard heat of reaction for the complete combustion of methane at 800 °C. b) Calculate the amount of heat that is released in a furnace that burns methane in 20% excess air, if the furnace temperature is 800 °C at the pressure is 2 bar. Assume that the inlet gases are already at 800°C asthe enter the furnace.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5