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Problem 33. This problem provides an example of building a waveform by adding sinusoidal functions of dif-ferent spatial frequencies and amplitudes. Use a program of your choice to graph the

function mf(x) =E(-1)" sin((2 n+ 1) x)(2n+ 1)²n=0 for m=1, 5 and 20. Plot the function from x=-6 to x=6. For large m→∞, what kind of waveform is this? I'dlike a copy of the file used to perform the plots as part of your answer to this one. You can email the file to meor give hard copy. does a nice job of plotting this kind of function. (This isan example of how sinusoidal wave forms can be added to form different pulse shapes. See Example 13, for asimilar problem.)

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3