in any field (science, engineering, technology) that can be solved by a computer
algorithm. Write a 1- to 2-page report on a popular algorithm that solves that
particular problem and include in your report: (1) a problem description and why it is
important and/or interesting, (2) the algorithm description, (3) a pseudocode, (4) a
demonstration on a toy example, and (5) a complexity analysis.
You could include a few (1-5) references that you used when researching the
problem/algorithm, but the writing should be your own. A similarity score of 25% and
above between your report and any existing source may indicate plagiarism. The report
should be typed in a text editor, e.g., words or Latex, and not handwritten.
Marks will be decided based on the correctness, clarity, and the sophistication of
the problem/algorithm discussed. A report that is not well written or about a
trivial/straightforward problem/algorithm will receive a low mark.
Note that the problem/algorithm should NOT be among those already discussed
in the pre-recorded lectures/workshops. If you present a problem/algorithm that has
been discussed in the lectures/workshops, you will get a zero mark for Problem 5.
You could start from our textbook or check the following list from Wiki for a start.
Fig: 1