
Programming Languages - Project WJ Inc., is a company with offices around the world. The HR team wants to build reports on the number of employees around the world, in different

departments. But they do not want to use the raw data for the reporting purpose. They want some consolidation and aggregation to be done prior to being loaded into their reporting system. The data is provided to the software engineer in CSV files. There are 3 CSV files, each holding the department, location and employee headcount data. The department and location information is provided as a flattened hierarchy. Given below is a snapshot of the department file content: level1 WJ Group WJ Group WJ Group level2 WJ Inc. WJ Inc. WJ Ino level? level3 level4 level5 level5 DEPT 1 DEPT 11 DEPT 111 DEPT 1111 DEPT 11111 DEPT 1 DEPT 12 DEPT 1 DEPT 13 DEPT 133 level! The department hierarchy has 7 levels. The file has columns level1 - level7 and an additional column to indicate the the bottom level. The department hierarchy is a jagged hierarchy meaning not all hierarchies have 7 levels. Similarly the location data is also provided. The screen shot is given below: level1 level2 laval3 World North America USA Califomia World North America USA Califomia World North America USA Califomia laval7 level5 loval6 leve! bottom_level Northern California San Jose Main Campus SJG1 8JC 1 Northern Califomia San Jose Main Campus SJC2 SJC2 Southern California Los Angeles LA Techspace LA 1 LA 1 The head count data includes the department, location. Each row in the file gives the number of employees for a particular department at a particular location. The headcount data is only available at bottom levels. Given below is a screenshot of the data: location department DEPT_11111 SJC 1 SJC 1 SJC 1 SJC 1 SJC 1 DEPT 12 DEPT 133 bottom_level DEPT 11111 DEPT 12 DEPT 133 DEPT_2222 DEPT_2244 head_count 12 42 122 3 12

Fig: 1