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Programming Project #2 EGRE246 Spring 2024 Rational Numbers 1 Overview Write a separately compiled C module to implement rational numbers as specified below. File rat.h (downloadable off the class web pages; you may not modify this file in any way!): #include <stdbool.h> #ifndef RAT_H #define RAT_H struct rtype { int n,d; // numerator, denominator }; typedef struct rtype *rat; rat createRat (int,int); // creates and returns a rat number rat norm (const rat); // returns normalized number rat reduce (const rat); // reduces number to lowest terms int cmp(const rat r1, const rat r2); // returns −1 if r1 < r2, // 0 if r1 == r2, // 1 if r1 > r2 rat add(const rat r1, const rat r2); rat sub(const rat rl, const rat r2); rat mul (const rat r1, const rat r2); rat divide (const rat r1, const rat r2); //r1 + r2 // r1 r2 // r1 * r2 // r1 / r2 rat inverse(const rat); // returns argument inverted bool wellFormed (const rat); // returns true if number is legal, false otherwise char *toString(const rat); // returns string representation of argument #endif Further specifications: ● Note that rat is defined using a typedef to be a pointer to a structure. Therefore if you define the following 1 rat r1; r1 will be a pointer to a 'struct rType' item. • The function createRat () should create rat numbers at runtime using malloc. ● Legal rational numbers are to be stored exactly as they are created (i.e. they need not be stored reduced or in normal form). • A rat number with a denominator of 0 is undefined. Functions createRat and inverse should check for denominators of 0 and if found should print out an appropriate error message and exit the program. • Division by is undefined. Your divide function should check for this and if found should print out an appropriate error message and exit the program. ● In normal form denominators are always positive and the value 0 has no sign and is always normalized to 0/1 (i.e. 9/-3 normalized would be -9/3, 0/-3 would be 0/1). • The reduce function reduces all values equal to 0 to 0/1. The arithmetic operations add, sub, mul, and divide always return a number reduced and in normal form. • The function cmp compares two rational numbers cmp(r1,r2) returning -1 if r1<r2, 0 if r1==r2, and 1 if r1>r2. • The function toString should return a rat number (with no judgements, i.e. it always outputs a string for rational number be it well-formed or not) represented in the traditional way with a '/' between the numerator and denominator, e.g. would be represented by the string "-2/3". ● All operations (i.e. norm, reduce, cmp, add, sub, mul, divide, and inverse) should only be attempted on well-formed rat numbers. If an illegal rat number is encountered through testing with wellFormed in these routines you should print an appropriate error message and exit the program. • You should exit your program using exit (EXIT_FAILURE) and all error messages should contain the word "error" (any case) somewhere in them. 2 Sample Driver Here is a sample driver program ratDriver.c that can be used as the first step in testing your program: #include <stdio.h> #include "rat.h" int main(void) { 2 } rat r1 = createRat (2,3), r2 = createRat (5,-6); printf ("add (r1,r2) %s\n",toString(add(r1,r2))); r1->d = 0; printf("is r1 well formed? %s\n",wellFormed (r1)?"yes":"no"); = Terminal--tcsh - 40x6 [liberty:~/tmp/% gcc ratDriver.c proj2.c [liberty:~/tmp/% a.out add(r1, r2) = -1/6 is r1 well formed? no liberty:~/tmp/% B 3 Deliverables You should only turn in your rational module implementation file (i.e. the file con- taining the implementation of everything defined in rat.h)! This means that the code you submit will not contain a main function. I will test your code with my own driver test program. Submit your project via Gradescope. Note you need not turn in an executable file, your driver program, or file rat.h! You may work in pairs on this project; if you work with a partner please only submit one project under both of your names (with both of your names in a comment at the beginning of the submitted file). 3/n. INSTRUCTIONS Need to check and modify Code if needed so all the tests pass there might be a few lines or something wrong with logic Need to fix That just need all my tests to pass. so require modification of code failed 3 tests out of 11 rat(1).c is the main file

Fig: 1