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Project Title: system selection in the wave of digital transformation.

Problem background

Digital transformation is taking the world by storm, and an increasing number of

organizations are adopting digital technology to modernize their operations, processes,

products and services. Digital transformation can help businesses save costs by reducing

manual labor, streamlining processes and improving productivity.

• Who are the stake holders:

employees, customers, partners, investors

What are the objectives?

improve the organization's performance, productivity, and customer experience by

integrating digital technology.

Decisions and Alternatives

• What are the key decisions to be made:

to deploy a digital system in current workspace

• What are the possible alternatives?

selecting different systems Major Factors and Uncertainties

• What are the factors to be considered?

functionality, usability, cost, reliability

• What are the major uncertain factors?/nDecisions and Alternatives

• What are the key decisions to be made:

to deploy a digital system in current workspace

• What are the possible alternatives?

selecting different systems Major Factors and Uncertainties

• What are the factors to be considered?

functionality, usability, cost, reliability

• What are the major uncertain factors?

complexities deployments

Software for modelling and analysis

• Major software: DPL, YAAHP, Excel, python, etc.

Any other information

Include this in the report:

• Problem description, objectives, problem formulation, Base Model Formulation,

deterministic structuring, probabilistic evaluation, what-if scenario & option analysis,

Qualitative factors trade-off analysis (if any), recommendations & conclusion.

Softcopy of decision models

DPL, YAAHP, Excel, Py etc.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2