f(x1, x₂)
(a) Find all stationary points of f.
mum/maximum or a saddle point.
x²₁x₁x₂ + x² + x₁-x2.
Classify each point, i.e., determine if it is a local mini-
(b) Starting at x = (0,0), find the local minimum of f using Newton's method (algorithm
Stop when ||Vf(x, ak)|| <0.01.
For the optimal step size use Matlab or similar to find the minimum of g(a) = f(x*+adk).
You may also use Matlab or similar to work with the gradient and Hessian of f.
[15 marks]
Newton's Method
1: Start from an initial point º, set k=0.
2: If (Vf(x) < ) then exit.
If V2f(a) is positive definite then
dk-[V2 f(x)]-¹Vf(x)
dk = -f(x).
3: Calculate ak = minazo f(x + adk).
4: Set æk+1=k+ad and k=k+1 then return to step 2.
Fig: 1