7.) Group-By: Create a query that shows the CookieName, and total Quantity sold for cookies with a total quantity
of more than 10 boxes. Save the query as CookieCount (5)
8.) Group-By: Create a query that shows the CustomerID, FirstName, CookieName and total Quantity for all orders
with "Lemonade" cookies in them. Save the query as LemonadeOrders. (5) (Hint: "Lemonade" is a specific name)
9.) Group-By: Create a Query that shows OrderID, CookieName, total Quantity, Price and a new field named "Line
Total" that calculates the Quantity*Price for line items. Name it Sales. (5) (Hint: This is similar to query # 14 that
used the Date Diff() function, however you do not need a function for this query. Just a simple multiplication.)
10.) Create an Update query that increases the price of all cookies by $1. Name the Query Price Update (5)