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Question 3 Consider the network topology in Figure 3 that uses Bellman-Ford algorithm as the Distance Vector routing protocol where each number indicates the cost of using the link. Because this network uses a Distance Vector routing protocol, router A does not have a global view of the network and can only see its immediate neighbours through the links connecting it to them. Therefore, router A can only rely on the routing updates sent to it by its neighbours. At each time t,, router A would receive routing updates from its neighbors about the topology of the network from beyond A's local view. The updates are sent in the following form: "sender node" ["destination node":"total cost to destination node"]. For example, B[C: 5, E : 3] means "node B can reach node C with a total cost of 5 and node E with a total cost of 3". Note how router E exist in the network even though router A cannot see it. At time to, router A has its routing table as shown in Figure 3. At each time tį, re-compute router A's routing table based on the routing updates it receives from its neighbour at time t¿. And of course, you should apply the updates on the latest table you computed at time tį. Also when you receive an update about a new router that never seen before, it should be added as a new line in the new table. ) t₁: B[C: 5, E : 3] :) t2 : B[C : 1], C[B : 1, D : 2, E : 4, F:5] ■ts) t3 : C[D: 1], D[B: 2, C: 1, F: 5] ts) të : D[E : 5] ) t5 : D[F: 10]

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6

Fig: 7

Fig: 8

Fig: 9