
Question 3 Write a brief explanation of the ways in which the power of doubt framework can help you become a more effective decision maker. Discuss two examples on how the

framework is, or could be, applied in your organisation. referuar BUL 44 2034573774(UK)|³1 28 298522(US) | +27 21 447 7565 (SA) Page 4 of 7 IN COLLABORATION WITH getsmarter/nQuestion 1 Write a brief explanation of how decisions are made in your organisation. Does your organisation have a formal framework that is implemented throughout the company, or do individual leaders have their own processes? Do leaders have a process for de- biasing their decisions, and how does this work? Start writing here: CanguedoBUL +44 203 457 5774 (UK) 1 224 249 3522(US)| +27 21 447 7505 (SA) Page 3 of L Mu Said Business OXFORD School Not knowing Hubris Paralysis Question 2] Think about the different quadrants in the power of doubt framework introduced in Unit 1 (see Figure 1). Identify which of these quadrants you find the easiest and the most difficult to operate in, and write a brief explanation of why this is the case. (Max. 200 words) Prepare Learn Fearlessness Anxiety COLLABORATION WITH getsmerter (Max. 200 words) Challenge Validate Myopia Angst L Knowing

Fig: 1

Fig: 2