regent college london module number swe6202 module name agile programm
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Module Number: SWE6202
Module Name: Agile Programming
Year/Semester: 2024 / Semester 1
Module Tutor/s: Taiwo Akinmuyisitan
Assessment Number
Assessment Type (and
Assessment Name
Assessment Submission Date
Report - 1500(+/- 10%) (20%)
Assignment 1
Week 7
of Bolton
Teaching Intensive, Research Informed
1 Learning Outcomes Assessed:
LO1: Critically evaluate agile approaches in contrast to conventional software
engineering methodologies.
Assessment Type: Report
This is your assignment for this module. It is worth 20% of your overall grade for this module.
This is an INDIVIDUAL piece of work contributing towards the module assessment. Evidence
of plagiarism or collusion will be taken seriously, and University regulations followed. You are
advised to be familiar with the University definitions of plagiarism and collusion. Please ensure
to use Turnitin to check your work and that your similarity score is not more than 20%.
Assignment Brief:
You are working for a software development company as an analyst, and they have a new
project coming up. They are planning to evaluate different software methodologies to choose
which one may be suitable for the forthcoming project. They have assigned you to prepare a
report for the methodologies used in software development. You may utilize this opportunity
to outshine and produce a report of the various methodologies and come up with effective
solution to meet the needs of the organizations. Your report has a word limitation of 1500 +/-
You will have some discretion as to how you would like to structure your report to best deliver
your report, but your report must address the following questions to meet the above learning
Identify the various agile approaches and the conventional software engineering
approaches methodologies used in the software development process.
Explain with specific examples, the key features of the identified agile approaches and
the software engineering methodologies with regards to its usage in commercial organizations.
3. Compare and contrast between the identified agile approaches and the software
engineering methodologies with regards to its usage in commercial organizations.
Discuss the range of tools and techniques available in agile approaches (SCRUM) to
analyse, design and develop a full-fledged web application with examples. [Show the stages of
SCRUM in development]
Evaluate the impact of agile approaches and the conventional software engineering
methodologies with regards to its usage in the various organizations with examples.
Specific Instructions :
You are required to write a formal report consisting of the following elements: cover page,
table of content, headings, and sub-headings for the main area of the report, references and
appendix (to include any information you may think are necessary addition to the report.
2 You are also required to consult and show evidence of literature within your report in the form
of in-text citations and a suitable references list. It is important also to ensure you constantly
use Turnitin to ensure your Turnitin score is suitable to avoid any academic misconduct.
Minimum Secondary Research Source Requirements:
Level HE6 - It is expected that the Reference List will contain between fifteen to twenty
sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include three refereed academic journals
and five academic books.
Specific Assessment Criteria:
Marking Criteria
Evidence of appropriate research using journals, websites,
videos, blogs etc
Appropriate discussion of the methodologies
Evidence of appropriate usage of tools and techniques
Appropriate comparison and evaluation with examples
Appropriate use of citations and references using Harvard
style of referencing
Appropriate document writing and presentation using
suitable headings and sub-headings
(Please note that the General Assessment Criteria will also apply. Please refer to the table
appended relevant to the assessment level)
First class (70% and above):
Students will provide an excellent synthesis of identified existing conventional methodologies
and the agile approaches, demonstrating critical insight and excellent understanding of
complex matters in real-time environment of the same. Focused and justified comparisons
between the conventional and agile approach with recommendations that are made as to how
the problems/weaknesses in the software development process may be addressed using the
identified methodologies and improved efficiently. Extensive research demonstrating use of a
wide range of well selected secondary research sources will be evident. Academic writing style,
English and referencing will be excellent.
Upper Second Class 2(1) (60-69%):
Students will provide a perceptive synthesis of identified existing conventional methodologies
and the agile approaches, demonstrating critical insight and clear understanding of the same.
Well thought through and justified comparisons between conventional and agile approaches with at least, some recommendations that can be made as to how the problems/weaknesses
identified in the software development process may be addressed, using the identified
methodologies. Research demonstrating use of a wide range of current and well selected
secondary research sources will be evident. Academic writing style, English and referencing
will be very good.
Lower Second Class 2(2) (50-59%):
Students will provide a sound synthesis of identified conventional methodologies and
approaches, demonstrating a clear and critical understanding the same. Justified
recommendations will be made as to how problems/weaknesses identified in the approaches
may be overcome, and the software development process improved. Research demonstrating
use of a range of current and relevant secondary research sources will be evident. Academic
writing style, English and referencing will be good.
Third class (40-49%):
Students will provide a satisfactory synthesis of identified conventional and agile approaches,
demonstrating sufficient understanding of the same. Considered recommendations will be
made as to how problems/weaknesses in the identified approaches may be used to improve
software development process. Research demonstrating use of a range of current secondary
research sources will be evident. Academic writing style, English and referencing will be
generally competent.
Fail (39% and below):
Students who do not meet the requirements of a third-class grade will not successfully
complete the assessment activity. GENERAL ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES - LEVEL HE6