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Required Length: 3000 words. plus, or minus 10% Min: 2,700 words Max: 3,300 words The word limit does not include Title Page, Table of content, References List, or appendix if one is used. Submission should have Title Page, ToC and Reference List. Minimum Required References: 15 Use a minimum of 15 high quality references including chapter content, academic journals, papers, books sourced from the university library or other academic resources. Referencing Style: Harvard Referencing Style, both for in-text citation and for citation list on your reference pages. Reference List should be in alphabetic order by author's last name. When there is more than one reference on the same line, sort multiple authors by authors first name. Should pass 1) Plagiarism detection of university. 2) Al detection of university 3) Grammer checks (US English) General Guideline: When you're writing a reflective essay, it's vitally important you spend time discussing your personal experience to lay a strong foundation for the analysis to come. While the research you're conducting is important, you need to make sure it goes beyond textbooks and into the real world. You need to make sure you're reading through the assignment brief and addressing all the required elements, not just the theoretical ones and not just at a surface level. Remember, reflecting on personal experiences in the context of theoretical frameworks enriches your analysis and demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of leadership concepts. Continuously seek to link theory with practice, as this will not only fulfill the assignment criteria but also provide valuable insights for your personal leadership development. Without that practice, the theories discussed offer little value to your audience. Use IT Industry as personal experience. Topic Prepare an academic analysis (3,000 words) answering the question, "Why is 'character' central to contemporary leadership practices?” Paper that is written from the perspective of the answer of the opinion that you are supporting, but not necessarily the fact that you are the one that has that opinion. Use Third person throughout when answering this question, except in #5 Sections to Consider 1) Introduction Introduce the topic of your analysis and include a sentence designed to capture your reader's attention. b. Include any important details or descriptions that provide a background or specific details relating to your analysis. c. Write a thesis statement that conveys your point of view on your analysis topic. 2) Character-Driven Leadership Comparisons a. Contrast the narcissistic and hubris leadership tendencies with the more 'character' driven leadership models. Think about narcissism, hubris and other mentalities that might put the leader's opinion and the leaders perspectives ahead of those that the leader is trying to lead. Think about what are the ways that different forms of character driven leadership manifest themselves? What are some examples that you can potentially point to that you can say these are some of the tendencies and we can see them across these different examples, and we can see these different mini case studies that say look these are some characteristics the we see across this type of leader, those of course characteristics can be positive, negative. 3) Gaps in Leadership Practices a. Evaluate the challenges and problems arising from the gaps between popular images of leadership and everyday leadership practice. Challenges and problems that are arising because of these gaps between how leadership might be viewed popularly, especially on places like LinkedIn and stuff like that and what leadership looks like every day in the trenches. what really separates the idea of leader from the reality of leader? Keep in third person view throughout. 4) Reflective Leadership Approach a. Analyze how the 'critically reflective' leadership capability approach might meet all stakeholders' contemporary needs, including the organization itself. Keep in third person view throughout. How critically reflective leadership might meet all potential needs of contemporary stakeholders. Think about what is hitting on the correct points, what may not be hitting on the points. Think about comparing and linking back to practice and comparison. 5) Reflective Leadership Practice a. Recommend how the 'critically reflective' leadership approach would be valuable to adopt in your organization. b. Drawing on 'tactics', plan how you might implement reflective leadership processes within your organization. Contrast this approach with the traditional strategic leadership model. Think about how the leadership practices could potentially be adopted in your organization. Think about the implementation phase, like understanding what it is and what it will take to get that approach put into the day-to-day work at your organization and to have it done in the most seamless and effective way possible. Think about Tactical aspect of leadership and implementation. Try to do contrasting between two different models of leadership and to demonstrate how they would apply in your organization. Take critically reflective approach and then compare and contrast it to the traditional strategic approach in regard to your specific organization and see how it is that would play a role in your firm. Use First Person speaking. 6) Conclusion (2 paragraph or so) a. Restate your thesis statement. b. Summarize the main points in the body of your analysis. Linking back to our introduction reminding our audience of everything learned Rubric Grading 20% - Knowledge and understanding of theory & Concepts. 30% - Analysis & Evaluation 30% - Application with Synthesis of Relevant Knowledge 10% - Problem-Solving 10% - Communication, Citation, and Referencing. Student note : I want to highlight from brief that there is ask to relate the theory to personal experience, If that is very critical if that is missing then one would not pass. For the personal experience - I don't have practical experience, instructor suggested to make one up or imagine, and i am in IT field (make one up) - should look real They want to check how can a student apply the learning to actual practice