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Social Psychology Essay To encourage you to apply social psychology theory to your everyday life, you are to write a short (5-6 page) essay during the course of the semester. The essay must include: (1) a short description of a personal experience or an observation which exemplifies one of the social psychological phenomena covered in class or the text; (2) a brief explanation of the theory dealing with this phenomenon along with a summary of an experiment from a peer-reviewed journal investigating this theory or phenomenon (include the research question, hypothesis, population, methods, results and conclusion), and (3) an assessment of how well you think the theory or phenomenon investigated in the research article explains your personal experience. Give reasons for your assessment. Include the reference for your research article(s) at the end of your paper. If you qualify for a paper extension through the Ross Center and want a paper extension, you must bring documentation to me for discussion at least 24 hours before the assignment is due.

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