as recall. All three stages combined guides you to be an active reader rather than passive. How many times have you read a page in a book or magazine and get to the end to find out you can't recall a thing? Well, if that is you or someone you know, then try practicing the following strategies to get started. Life is So Good by George Dawson and Richard Glaubman Vocabulary and Discussion Guide Chapter 1-6 Directions: Record your reading strategies as you proceed through the three stages of reading for the story chapters. Stage 1 1. Before reading activities: Preview the book selection. Look over your book now if you haven't. Check off the parts you read in the preview. In a book, you may read many things before opening to chapter one. List additional items if they are not listed. Title Introduction or first paragraph _Headings & subheadings Special print, visual aids or pictures _Summary or last paragraph What did you learn about the book selection from the preview? What did you already know about the topic (your schemata)? Schemata is your background knowledge on a topic. Other: Stage 2 2. During reading activities: (Read this section prior to reading each chapter) Read the book selection chapters. Mark it, if possible. Use post it notes otherwise for annotating and noting vocabulary with your highlighter. Check the "during reading" strategies you used. Explain how they worked or didn't work. _Predict: Make a prediction of what you think will happen in the next chapter. What is your prediction for each chapter: It is okay if you don't naturally have a prediction, just note that below. Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Chapter 3: Chapter 4: Chapter 5: Chapter 6: Picture: What are you picturing in your head? This is the movie you imagine in your head. Which scenes stood out in each chapter due to characters, colors, actions, etc. If you saw the chapter parts in a movie, what literally stood out? There is no right or wrong answer. Chapter 1: Chapter 2: Chapter 3: Chapter 4: Chapter 5: Chapter 6: Relate: What can you relate to in the story so far? Think about the characters, setting, the plot etc. Does it remind you of someone you know personally? Does it remind you of another book or movie you have read or seen? Does the plot remind you of someone or something that really happened or you have read about or seen in the movies? Maybe it reminds you of a song? _Monitor: This is checking your understanding as you read. Did you have to go back and re-read a page because you were lost or forgot someone's name? Maybe your mind drifted or you were distracted, so you needed to go back and re-read. How did you monitor your understanding? Correct Re-read Read on Change predictions Seek help _Annotate: This is marking in your text or post it notes. Did you underline each of your vocabulary words? Did you highlight names? Did you take note of locations? Directions: Select 10 of the most challenging words for you to comprehend and write them in a sentence that pertains to you or someone you know or an experience you had. In other words, select 10 words below and use them in a sentence that tells me about you. Type your sentences in the area below or after the word below. Turn the vocabulary word to bold in the sentence. (I will select 10 randomly for your vocabulary quiz for Chapters 1-6.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. This space allows for easy access to multiple word definitions. Match the definition to how it is used in the chapters. Chapters 1-6 40 Words: beckon, provider, partial, possible, mercy,reverend,memory, improve, fierce,acre,cozy,bai t,stretch,shepherd, harvest, credit,success,amazement,gesticulate, property, term, mach ete, trough, stock,parched, dispose,philosophize,gauge,witness,slaughter,entrails,prosp erous,fortunate, decent,wage,chore,raise,extend,ignore,courage 1. beckon, 2. provider, 3. partial, 4. possible, 5. mercy, 6. reverend, 7. memory, 8. improve, 9. fierce, 10. acre, 11.cozy, 12. bait, 13. stretch, 14. shepherd, 15. harvest, 16. credit, 17. success, 18.amazement, 19. gesticulate, 20. property, 21.term, 22. machete, 23. trough, 24.stock, 25. parched, 26. dispose, 27. philosophize, 28.gauge, 29. witness, 30. slaughter, 31. entrails, 32. prosperous, 33. fortunate, 34. decent, 35.wage, 36. chore, 37. raise, 38. extend, 39. ignore, 40.courage Stage 3: After reading activities: List the main points of the book selection. Use the lists to write a brief 50 word summary, not 100 words or 200 words, only and up to 50 words. Directions: Select any 5 or more items to comment on for Stage 3 Discussion and Writing Response Life is So Good What have you liked or disliked? What surprised you? What imagery interested you? Why? Chapter /Page Thoughts Questions Epiphanies (A sudden realization) or aha moment What questions do you have? What do you think will happen next? What symbols or allusions did you find? What notes did you take on the chapter? Why would the author ? What theme is the author creating by using ? Why does the author keep mentioning the element of ? Who/what is meant to represent, considering (this happens/is said)? What is your favorite quote/life lesson from the reading? Statements, insights, questions regarding symbolism, allegory, allusion, changes, theme, elements