Chemical Process Calculations

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P4.13 Acrylonitrile (C₂H3N, used to make carbon fiber, acrylic fibers, nylons, fumigants, and synthetic rubber) is synthesized by catalytic ammoxidation of propylene (C3H6): Propylene, ammonia, and air (79 mol % N₂, 21 mol % O₂) are mixed and then fed to the reactor, where the mixture reacts over a catalyst to make acrylonitrile. The reactor operates at steady state. You are the process engineer in charge of monitoring the performance of the reactor. One day you determine that the gas flow rate out of the reactor is 7095 gmol/min, and that the gas contains 28.19 mol % water and 1.88 mol% ammonia, along with N₂, propylene, and acrylonitrile, but no 0₂. Draw a flow diagram, and use a DOF analysis to show that the problem is correctly specified. Write the correct form of the material balance equations for all compounds in this system. Calculate: (a) The extent of reaction , (b) the flow rate (gmol/min) of acrylonitrile leaving the reactor, and (c) the flow rates (gmol/min) of propylene, ammonia, and air fed to the reactor.

For the rational function: R(x)=\frac{x^{2}+x-6}{x^{2}-4} Write R(x) in lowest terms (remember to factor) b) Find the Domain of R(x) and identify any Holes (if they exist). c) Find the x and y-intercepts of R(x) (if any exist). 1) Find any vertical asymptotes, horizontal asymptotes and/or oblique asymptotes. e) Give a rough sketch of the function filling in allinformation you know. [3 points].

Combustion of a hazardous waste material produces 1000 m3 offlue gas per minute at 405 °C and 105 Pa (1 atmosphere) pressure.The concentration of sulfur dioxide in the flue gas is 350 ppm. A spray drier using Ca(OH)2 will be used to achieve 70% collection efficiency of sulfur dioxide as calcium sulfate. Achieving this will require an excess of reagent over the stoichiometric quantity of 30%. Based on these data: a. Determine the required feed rate of Ca(OH)2 in kg h-1 to the spray drier. (20 marks) b. Estimate the total mass of calcium sulfate produced per hour by the spray drier if its water content is 10% by mass. (5 marks)

6. [4 points]. Determine whether the following function has a horizontal or an oblique asymptote? Also write the equation of the Asymptote. Show all work that leads to your final answer. f(x)=\frac{x^{3}-2 x^{2}+x-1}{x^{2}-1}

This document outlines the continuous assessment coursework for Process Engineering Fundamentals. This assessment makes up 30% of the overall assessment for the module and is due by the deadline of Wednesday 8th December 14:00. A penalty will be applied for late submission. In order to successfully complete the continuous assessment you'll need to engage fully with the course, including the discussion board (see the"Case Study - Continuous Assessment" forum) and the drop-in sessions (Thursdays 16:30, C76, The Mill).Note that no email queries regarding the case study will be replied to as all students must have access to the same information, use the discussion board to ask any questions. You can provide your solution in any(electronic) form you like e.g. handwritten, word processed etc. The purpose of this assessment is to provide an opportunity to demonstrate competency with material balance calculations on multistage, reactive processes and to show application of the problem solving approach developed during the course. As such-you are encouraged to present your answers clearly, logically and ensure that your submission is legible. The use of process simulation software is prohibited. Ensure that you read the whole of this document carefully and note the useful information and data that are given after the question. Dimethyl ether (DME) is produced by the catalytic dehydration of methanol using an acid zeolite catalyst; 2CH₂OH(CH3)2O + H₂O The fresh feed supplied to the process contains 99.15 mol % methanol and 0.85 mol % water. The feed is-mixed with a recycle stream before being fed to the reactor. This mixed reactor feed contains 98.40 mol%CH₂OH, 1.14 mol % H₂O and 0.46 mol% (CH3)₂0. The methanol conversion per pass is 79.91%. The reactor outlet stream is subsequently fed to a series of two separators. The first separator recovers the dry DMEproduct at a purity of 99.50%, with the bottoms, which is 66.92 mol % water, being fed to the second-separation unit. In the second separator waste water, contaminated with 0.53% methanol, is recovered and the remaining unreacted methanol is recycled along with all of the DME present in the bottoms from the-first separator, giving a recycle stream which contains 2.11 mol % DME. Draw a block diagram of the DME process and select a suitable basis for your calculation. ii)Determine the composition and flow rates of all streams in the process, presenting your answer as a stream table. Determine the recycle ratio and the overall methanol conversion. iv)If the annual production target is 60,000 tonnes of DME (99.5% purity) calculate the hourly DME production and fresh feed rates in kmol/h, assuming an operating factor of 0.97(fractional plant availability).14 markel

A binary feed mixture consisting of 30 mol% methanol and rest water needs to be separated by flashing at 90 °C and 1 atm. The vapour-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data for the methanol-water system at 1 atm are given in Table 1 [adapted from Perry et al. (1963)]. Using the linear interpolation method and using the information given in Table 1,determine the percentage recovery of methanol in the vapour stream.

Consider a system with P-only control (Gc = Kc) which is two first-order systems in series with a gain of 1,\left(G_{1}=\frac{1}{\left(\tau_{1} s+1\right)\left(\tau_{2} s+1\right)}\right) \text { and a disturbance, } U, \text { between the controller and the system. The system also } \text { has measurement with first-order delay }\left(G_{M}=\frac{1}{\tau_{M} s+1}\right) \text {. The set-point of the system is } R \text { and the } controlled variable is C. Sketch a block-flow diagram of the system. 2. Combine the blocks to obtain C/R. 3. Simplify this to show that \frac{C}{R}=\frac{K_{C}\left(\tau_{M} s+1\right)}{\left(\tau_{1} s+1\right)\left(\tau_{2} s+1\right)\left(\tau_{M} s+1\right)+K_{C}} \text { Determine the response to the system for a unit-step change in set point if } \tau_{1}=1, \tau_{2}=\frac{1}{2} \text {, } \tau_{\boldsymbol{H}}=\frac{1}{3} \text { for } K_{c}=3,6,9, \text { and } 12 Determine the stability of the system by analyzing roots of the characteristic equation for the conditions described in Problem 4. Use the Routh Test to determine the maximum value of K. that results in a stable system. Add in integral control with ri=1/4- and determine the open-loop transfer function. Put the open-4loop transfer function in a form for use in rlocus. Generate the root locus plot for the system.What value of K. makes the system unstable?

A saturated liquid feed of 500 kmol/h consists of 10 mol% propane, 35 mol% n-butane and 55 mol% n-hexane. A distillate recovery of 99.5 mol% n-butane and bottoms recovery of 97.5 mol% n-hexane is desired. \text { The average relative volatility is } \alpha_{\text {propane-butane }}=2.04 ; \alpha_{\text {butane }-\text { butanc }}=1.00 ; \text { and } \alpha_{\text {hexane }-\text { butane }}=0.2 constant molar overflow (CMO) is valid. Reflux is returned as a saturated liquid. Thelumn has a partial reboiler and a total condenser. Using the Fenske equation, determine the number of staĝes required at total reflux (Nmin)-

2.17.6: Two distillation columns with ethanol, butanol, and propanol. Two distillation columns, which are overseen by engineers Gianna and Peter, separate three components. A liquid mixture enters the first column at 536 kg/s and contains 35.0 mass % ethanol (C₂H5OH), 15.0 mass % propanol (C3 H7 OH), and the balance butanol (C4 H9 OH). The bottom product stream of the first column contains 93.1 mass % B and no E, and 95.1% of the B in the feed stream is recovered in the bottom product stream. The overhead product of the first column is used as the feed stream to the second column. The overhead product from the second column contains 92.1% of the E inthe feed to this column. The composition of the overhead product stream is 91.5 mass % E and the balance P. Find the component mass flow rates (kg/s) exiting in the overhead product of the first distillation column. Stream numbering is same as PFD for question 1. m3, EEx: 284 kg/s= m3,p = Ex: 74.3kg/s m3, B =Ex: 15.7kg/s

2.17.8: Making orange juice concentrate. Maximus and Theodora are optimizing a steady state processing making orange juice concentrate. A stream of oranges (0) and a stream of water (W, H₂O) enter a juicing machine. The exit stream from the juicing machine contains 55.8 kg/hr orange juice (OJ, MW = 108), 21.3 kg/hr pulp solids (PS), and 43.5 kg/hr water. The exit stream from the juicing machine enters a filter. The filter removes all of the pulp solids and 20.2% of the water entering the filter as one exiting stream. The other stream exiting the filter contains water and orange juice. The water/orange juice mixture is finally sent to an evaporator to produce a concentrate stream (80.1 wt% orange juice and the balance water) and a stream of pure water. The pure water is recycled, mixed with a fresh stream of pure water, and fed into the juicing machine. Determine the following three unknowns. Mole fraction of orange juice in the concentrate stream =Ex: 0.309 Mass flow rate of water entering the evaporator =Ex: 30.9 kg/hr Mass flow rate of water entering the overall system =Ex: 16.8 kg/hr

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