General Biological Science And Research

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W7 Q10 Which of the following did NOT play a role in the decline in heart disease deaths seen since the 1950's? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. Declines in average weight Declines in average blood pressure levels Declines in average blood cholesterol levels Declines in cigarette smoking

Need a paragraph or two on Vitamin C deficiency and what concerns with health it can cause based on these two sources: Second source is attached

Prediction: If the hypothesis is correct and the above procedure is performed, what do you expect the results of the experiment to be?

7. Which of the following is an example of mechanical digestion?Segmentation in the small intestinea)b)Acid breakdown of food in the stomachC)Mastication (chewing) of foodAll the abovee)(a) and (c) only

Question 2 Cavendish banana crops are affected by banana bacterial wilt (BBW), which is caused by a bacterial pathogen. There is no effective chemical control for this pathogen and no species of banana has immunity against this pathogen. A genetically modified strain of Cavendish bananas has now been produced by introducing a BBW resistance gene from green peppers. Rhizobium larrymoorei is a bacterium capable of transferring DNA into plants. The techniques/steps involved in splicing the BBW resistance gene from green peppers into a plasmid previously isolated from this bacterium is outlined below. ■Step 1: Addition of restriction enzyme EcoRI cuts the plasmid once in the lacZ gene. ■Step 2: The cut plasmid is mixed with a supply of BBW resistance genes with complementary sticky ends to the treated plasmid. ■Step 3: Ligase is added to the plasmid/ BBW resistance gene mixture. ■Step 4: The mixture is added to a population of untreated rhizobium bacteria. The lacZ gene produces a blue pigment when active (bacteria not containing the pigment will be white). The amp gene, when active, provides resistance against the antibiotic ampicillin. In step 2 when the plasmids and BBW resistance genes are mixed together and some plasmids incorporate the BBW gene. a. Why is it important to use the same restriction enzyme on both the BBW gene and the plasmid? b. What name is given to a plasmid which has incorporated a gene from a different source, such as the BBW gene from green peppers? In step 4 the plasmids were incubated with the rhizohium bacteria. A small number of bacteria took up a plasmid. Of those bacteria that took up a plasmid, some took up a plasmid that includedthe BBW gene.the BB c. Explain how the researcher was able to distinguish between bacteria that had taken up a plasmid, and those that had not. d. Explain how the researcher was able to distinguish between bacteria that had taken up a plasmid containing the BBW resistance gene, and those that had taken up a plasmid without the BBW resistance gene. e. Identify one social and one biological issue raised by the use of the GM bananas. f. Distinguish between the terms genetically modified organisms and transgenic organisms.

A. Multiple Choice Questions Answer all multiple-choice questions in the provided grey box beside each question, for example: Examine Figure 1. For questions 1-5, match the following: a) Mucosa b) Submucosa 3 Muscularis externa 4 Serosa 5 Lumen 1. Which tissue layer of the GI tract has a nerve plexus that regulate movements and secretions? 2. Which tissue layer of the GI tract is responsible communicates with the visceral peritoneum? 3. Which tissue layer of the GI tract is responsible for the absorption of nutrients? 4.Which part of the GI tract is responsible for the passage of chyme through the small intestine? 5.What tissue layer of the GI tract contains smooth and skeletal muscles important for peristalsis.

Part B: Structured Essay Questions (25 marks) Question 1 (8 marks)There are many forms of colour vision deficiencies that are inherited via the X chromosome in humans. Recently one allele of one form of recessive colour vision deficiency was tested and found to be nearly identical. When tested with the restriction enzyme Sac I, the allele for normal vision forms two fragments (380 and 120 kbp). Whereas the colour deficient allele is not affected. a. Draw and label on the following gel electrophoresis the bands you would expect from a son who has this colour deficient allele and the mother who can see colour normally. b. Indicate in the gel where you would place the negative and positive terminals C. Explain what properties of DNA allow it to move and to separate during gel electrophoresis d. Outline how gel electrophoresis could be used by law enforcement officials in a case where there are multiple suspects and a blood sample from the crime scene.

11. The portion of the peritoneum surrounding the abdominal organs is known as which one of the following? a) Mesentery b Omentum C)Parietal peritoneum d Retroperitoneum e Visceral peritoneum

12. Which digestive organ is characterized by the chemical breakdown of materials via acid and enzymes and the mechanical processing through muscular contractions? a) Oral cavity b) Pancreas C) Stomach d)All the above e) (a) and (c) only

PART A: Multiple Choice Questions (5 marks) 1. EcoR1 is a tool used in the ‘cutting’ manipulation of DNA. EcoR1 is a 2. When carrying out polymerase chain reactions (PCR), DNA engineers do not use human enzymes. Instead, they use a bacterial enzyme derived from a hot spring-dwellingmicroorganism. Why is this? 3. When carrying out DNA manipulation, a vector is used to 4. Bt cotton make up much of the cotton planted in Australia. They are genetically modified and contain a gene from bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis, which allows them to produce a protein that is toxic to insects. A social implication of Bt corn could be: 5. Four different plasmids, were each incubated with the restriction enzyme Eag 1. Each of the plasmids were then sorted on an electrophoresis gel. The results are shown below.

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