Intro To Biomedical Engineering

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Fundamentals of Scientific Inquiry We have discussed science throughout history this term, paying particular attention to the paradigm shifts that occurred as scientists reorganized their data to fit with a model that had greater explanatory power. Research a paradigm shift within a particular field of science that we have not covered in class. Choose a particular scientific field (medicine, geology, biology, microbiology, genetics, physics, anatomy, ecology, astronomy, neuroscience, engineering, etc.) Choose a time in which this field was undergoing a great change in thinking or methodology. Argue for whether or not this time in history was a true paradigm shift, given what you know of Thomas Kuhn's definition. In order to do this, you should examine the differences and similarities between the previous era in this scientific field and the one that came after, with reference to the models and methods used and discoveries made.

Which of the following is a limitation of surface EMG measurements?

What trend best matches what you observed for the changes in EMG magnitude as weight is increased?

Make a graph of column F in the isometric weights spreadsheet (50 lb column). What part of the typical processing of EMG does the signal in the F column look like?

What was the trend of mean amplitude over time in the EMG fatigue spreadsheet?

Which of the following are likely reasons that there is not a perfect fit to the trendline observed in the isometric weights spreadsheet?

What was the trend of median frequency over time in the EMG fatigue spreadsheet?

Why would the amplitude of EMG show an opposite trend to median frequency in the EMG fatigue spreadsheet?

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