Physical Chemistry

Questions & Answers

1. Draw a graph to represent the concentration of reactant and product gas molecules over time for the equilibrium system below. In the graph, show the points in time when equilibrium is initially established; when more A is introduced to the system; and when the new position of equilibrium is established. Be sure to label your graph. (2 marks) A(g) + B(g) 2AB (g)

5. Write in full and shorthand notation the Slater derminant for Ne.

In General Chemistry the ground state of the He atom is depicted as having one electron spin ”up” and the other electron spin ” down, each in a ls orbital: that is, ??. In class we saw that the ground state of He within the single electron orbital approximation was Where the numbers in parentheses indicate with Which electron the function is associated. In what ways is this ground state wavefunction similar or different than the General Chemistry picture.

Consider the first excited state of He with configuration 1s12s1. There are four possible antisymmetric wavefunctions that one can form consistent with this configuration Show that each of these four states are eigenfunctions of the total z-component spin operator

8. The first ionization energy of the ground-state He atom is 24.6 eV. The wavelength of light associated with a transition from the ground state to a particular excited state is 58.44 nm. Determine the ionization energy of the He atom in this excited state.

1-Try to balance the following stoichiometric problem: (2.5 points) K₂MnFe (solid) + SbFs (liquid) = KSbFe (liquid) + MnF3 (solid) + F2 (gas) Please write the reaction rate for each molecule. (1 point) John run this same reaction in his laboratory (open system). Supposing that the AGO of the reaction is close to -5.5 kJ/mol and the kinetics of the reaction is fast, compute the ratio between products and reagents. Explain your reasoning. (3 points)

Find 5 incidents, and compare them in a table. Provide a comparison of the incidents in terms of impact and mitigation Discuss changes to policies or regulations arising from the incident

6. Calculate the standard reduction potential Eº for the reaction

a) Plot the Relative pressure versus Adsorbed Volume. Based on the observed data, which of the three models presented in class would best fit the data?

4. The equilibrium constant for the following hypothetical reaction below at constant temperature is Keq = 0.0075. If [A] = 0.89 mol/L, [B] = 0.35 mol/L, and [C] = 0.046 mol/L, find Qeq and determine in which direction the reaction will proceed to establish equilibrium. (2 marks) 2 A(B) 2 3B (g) + C (8)

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