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Submission Submit a completed 3-5 page (approx. 750-1250 words) research paper on the topic choice you made in Module 1 that incorporates your work from Milestones 1-6. The title page and reference list do not count toward the 3-5 page requirement or total word count. Use the Final Paper Template for an example of how to create and format your final paper. Your final submission should include: • At least 4 references. . A title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count toward the 3-5 page requirement or total word count. • In-text citations in APA format. ⚫ An introductory paragraph with your clear, one-sentence thesis statement (this should NOT be underlined at this point). • • Body paragraphs that use information from the sources as evidence to prove the thesis statement. • One paragraph that refutes opposing perspectives. . A conclusion paragraph that offers final thoughts and reiterates the thesis statement. • Proper spelling, syntax, and grammar. • Improvements based on feedback from your instructor and peer (i.e. to the thesis statement, introduction, organization, use of sources, APA style, etc.). Evaluation ⚫ This assignment uses Turnitin. ⚫ This assignment will be evaluated according to the IND101 Course Project Final Paper Rubric. Make sure to review the rubric before submitting so you know how you will be assessed. ⚫ This assignment is worth 20% of your overall course grade. . This activity is used to assess several general education career competencies (GECCS) listed below. You will see additional rows in your rubric from your instructor along with assessments of Above/Meets/Does Not Meet Expectations for each competency. These rows do not factor into your grade. ⚫ GECC1.2: Written Communication: Deliver written communication with appropriate content, organization, syntax, mechanics, and style for the audience and purpose. ⚫ GECC3.1: Information Literacy: Locate and evaluate sources to meet an information need. ° ⚫ GECC3.2: Information Literacy: Cite sources using appropriate academic conventions. References Scope of Course Project Outcomes Rubric