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Your hypothetical employer, Park University, continues to be very pleased

with your feedback and documentation on initial modelling efforts to

support the new and coming payroll database. So far in this effort, the

University has come to the realization that although the word databases or

data management sounds simple, the simplicity quickly becomes a critical

and even strategic process that requires careful thought at both the

critical and analytical levels. Using research and the keywords "Payroll

Database Physical Models" to find example physical models of payroll

databases will give support and spark ideas.

Now that suggestions for both entities and attributes have been identified

and considered to support conceptual and logical models, Park University

wants to go further into the development of these models more into areas

of understanding database keys, table relationships, normalization, and

data dictionaries. Park University has requested information and has asked

you to address the following questions:

Answer the following questions:

4. use a drawing software like Microsoft Visio or another of choice to

diagram a physical model of this payroll database offer reasoning to your

design and diagram to support the conclusions of this paper.

Fig: 1