The strategies used to tackle global health problems take many forms and have varying levels of
success. These strategies may be developed and/or implemented by local communities, national and
international, or private organisations. Although these strategies are designed to improve the
population's health, they may not be as effective as planned or have unintended consequences.
Assessment task:
Word limit:
Line Spacing:
Reference system:
File format/submission:
Written report
The task is to create a report on one strategy that addresses a global
health problem.
Students are to evaluate the development and implementation of
the strategy and how it addresses the needs of the population of
interest. The report is to be formatted using the
template located on Learnline.
2000 words. Headings, tables, figures, and in-text citations are
included in the word count; the reference page is not (a word count
that is outside the ±10% range will lead to a reduction of
10% of the total mark available for the assessment)
Times New Roman or Calibri 12
1.5 or double
APA 7th (minimum 10 credible references no older than ten
years old)
Student ID (digits), unit code
page number
.doc or docx. To be submitted via Turnitin
Fig: 1