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The concrete pipe is used to carry water at20°C with density 1000 kg/m³ and kinematic viscosity 106 m²/s. Use absolute roughness of pipe as 0.2 mm and the Moody chart provided on page 5.

a. Initially, water is trickling through this pipe at a velocity of 20 mm/s (millimeters persecond). Determine the pressure drop that occurs per unit length of the pipe. b. A few minutes back, the valve was opened and now a discharge of 0.02 m³/s is flowing through this pipe. Determine the pressure drop that occurs per unit length of the pipe in this case. c. Calculate and compare the power loss due to head loss (i.e., y Qh₁) before and after opening the valve.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5