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There is often dense early-morning fog where precipitation is generally scarce over coastal deserts (such as in some parts of Chilé and the Namibian coast in southern Africa). Plants and

animals have adapted to harvest morning dew for their sustenance. To solve this water supply scarcity for humans, we designed a net that has low efficiency (10%) in capturing the fog (see figure below). The net is 100 m long by 10 m tall.Wind speed is 1 m/s and the fog air mass contains droplets with the following size distribution:N(D) = Ne where N = 10 m and c 10*m (Mean droplet diameter is 100 um). a) Find the total liquid water content in kg per m2. b) How much water does the net produce in kg/s? A useful integral is \int_{0}^{\infty} x^{n} e^{-\alpha x} d x=\frac{n !}{\alpha^{n+1}}

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5