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Translate each of the following sentences into logical notation. Provide and clearly state your own translation key for each. (3 pts each) 1. “Ashley enjoys cooking, but not doing the

dishes or going to the grocery." 2. "Bryan will not go to the movies if he gets called into work." 3. "Dustin is quite lazy, while Eileen and Faried are hard workers." 4. "If Gail eats peanuts her throat swells up and she breaks out in hives." 5. "Harry is either a medical doctor or has his doctorate in biochemistry, butnot both." 6. "Ingrid won't earn a year-end bonus unless her productivity mproves. 7. "Jack is neither in the office nor working from home."book " 8 "Kendrick feels relaxed only if he is watching a movie or reading a book." "It is not true that Lisa isn't tired." 10. "Maggy is going to dinner, but if Nelson is there she won't stay long.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6

Fig: 7

Fig: 8

Fig: 9

Fig: 10

Fig: 11