SUBMISSION METHOD: DATE AND FORM OF FEEDBACK: ASSESSMENT WEIGHTING: WORD COUNT: 5MNST003W September 2023 Leadership and Development Happy Career Research Happy Career Research template that incorporates elements of reflective writing MS Word document via Turnitin via Blackboard 90% of portfolio assessment 2 mark 1700 words maximum, excluding title page and references. LEARNING OUTCOMES ADDRESSED: LO3 Identify and justify your own employability skills developed during the 35 hours Work-Based Learning experience. LO4 Communicate your awareness of employers expectations that will help you to develop your employability skills further in order to secure future career of your choice. University of Westminster, WBS Module: 5MNST003W LEADERSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT SUMMARY In this individual assignment to write Portfolio Part 1 you are required to fill in the Happy Career Research template. The template incorporates elements of reflective writing and has three sections: ● September 2023 Section 1: Reflection on skills that you developed during 35 WBPL hours experience. Section 2: Happy career discovery. Section 3: Career Development Action Plan. What's next? The template is available via this link on Blackboard: Portfolio Part 1 Guide and Structure. Happy Career Research ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Assessment Criteria Weighting Aspect One: Reflection on skills developed during 35 WBPL hours 30% experience Detailed and clear skills identification and their justification Aspect Two: Happy Career Discovery Research of career responsibilities, expectations and skills required. Explanation of personal preferences. Aspect Three: Career Development Action Plan Detailed analysis of one action that will help your employability: What? Why? How? Aspect Four: Research and Referencing Quality of resources, both academic and practical; and Cite Them Right Harvard referencing style. Total 35% 30% 5% 100% 2 University of Westminster, WBS Module: 5MNST003W LEADERSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT HAPPY CAREER RESEARCH RUBRIC, S1 2023-24 Criterion Table 1 (5%) Table 2 (25%) Table 3 (35%) Table 4 (30%) Fail (<39%) 35 WBPL hours experience is not described or may be implied. Describe your role, tasks and organisation. Skills are not identified or identified in vague terms. Skills justification is brief, vague or not persuasive. Responsibilities, expectations or skills in a career are not explained clearly. Their match to personal preferences is not explained clearly. Career development action is either not identified or identified vaguely. Explanation how to achieve this action or Pass (40%+) 35 WBPL experience is briefly described, but tasks, role or organisation may not be clear. Skills are identified but not necessarily in detail. Skills justification is vague. Better example of how the skill was developed was needed. Responsibilities, expectations or skills in a career are mentioned, but it is unclear to what extent they were researched. Their match to personal preferences is explained but not necessarily clearly. Career development action is identified. There is an attempt to plan how to achieve this action and analyse why it would help. September 2023 Adequate (50%+) Adequate description of 35 WBPL experience. The role, tasks and organisation are described but more details are desirable. Skills are identified in detail or in vague terms. However, skills justification needed to be clearer and more persuasive. Responsibilities, expectations or skills in a career are explained. There is demonstration that they were researched. Their match to personal preferences is explained, but more details would be beneficial. Relevant career development action is identified. Adequate plan how to achieve this action is explained. Good (60%+) Good description of 35 WBPL experience. The role, tasks and organisation are described, although few more details would make the description clearer. Skills are identified in detail. Good skills justification with relevant examples. Responsibilities, expectations or skills in a career are explained well and supported by relevant research. Their match to personal preferences is well analysed. Although a few more details would be beneficial. Relevant and achievable career development action is identified. Detailed plan how to achieve this action is explained. Excellent (70%+) Outstanding (80%+) Clear and succinct description of 35 WBPL experience. The role, tasks and organisation are described clearly. Skills are identified clearly and in detail. Persuasive justification of skills development supported with relevant examples. Responsibilities, expectations or skills in a career are explained well, and supported by excellent research. Excellent analysis of their match to personal preferences, clearly articulated. A well thought career development action is identified. Excellent plan how to achieve this action is explained clearly. Perfectly clear description of 35 WBPL experience, the role, tasks and organisation. Skills are identified clearly and in detail. Persuasive justification of skills development supported with very interesting examples. Responsibilities, expectations or skills in a career are explained well, and supported by outstanding research. Outstanding deep analysis of their match to personal preferences, clearly articulated. A well thought and interesting career development action is identified. Very interesting and detailed plan how to 3 University of Westminster, WBS Module: 5MNST003W LEADERSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT why it would help are not clear. Research and Little evidence of research, lack of Referencing (5%) references to support your arguments. Possibly poor referencing style. References may be missing in text and / or at the end of the document. However, more reflection and research are needed to understand the choice of this action and its relevance to future career development. Research is acceptable but can be supported with more academic and / or practical sources. Both in-text citations and reference list presented. Referencing style is acceptable but may need improvements. September 2023 It is also clear how this action would help in a future career development. Although more clarifications would improve the an sis. Demonstration of wider research, but balance of academic and non- academic literature sources my need improvement. Reference list presented. Competent use of referencing style, although some mistakes may be present. It is clear how this action would help in the future. Although just a few more clarifications are possible. Very good selection of mostly up to date academic and non- academic literature sources. Reference list and in-text citations presented. Good referencing style, although minor formatting mistakes are acceptable. It is clear why this action was chosen and prioritised, and how it would help in the future career development. Excellent selection of academic and non- academic sources. Excellent referencing style with only few minor mistakes. Reference list correctly presented. achieve this action is explained clearly. It is clear why this action was chosen and prioritised, and how motivational and inspiring this action is for the future career development. Outstanding selection of academic and non- academic sources. Excellent referencing style. Reference list correctly presented. University of Westminster, WBS Module: 5MNST003W LEADERSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT DETAILED ASSESSMENT GUIDE AND STRUCTURE Assessment format: Happy Career Research template that incorporates elements of reflective writing. September 2023 Word count: 1700 words maximum, excluding title page and references. Submission: Turnitin on the module Blackboard site. Anonymous marking: This assessment is exempt from anonymous marking. Guide per section: how to analyse each section in the Happy Career Research template. Section 1. Reflection on Skills Developed During 35 WBPL hours experience Table 1. Brief explanation of your 35 WBPL hours experience Brief explanation of 35 WBPL hours experience. Describe your role, tasks and organisation. Table 1 suggested word count: up to 80 words maximum. Table 2. Skills Development during 35 WBPL hours experience - key learnings Detailed skills identification (5 skills) Skills justification / example of how the skill was developed (refer to your part-time work, online internship, volunteering etc) Table 2 suggested word count: up to 600 words maximum. Each skill's description · approximately 20 words. Each skill’s justification – approximately 100 words or less. Be specific in this section. For example, if you chose to analyse your communication skills, then the word 'communication' is vague for this assignment. Be more precise 5