week 16 final project shuffle deck it is time to show off all of your
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Week 16
Final Project - Shuffle Deck
It is time to show off all of your incredible talent and
all that you have learned by programming a simple
card game, we will use the concept of poker, but
without actual cards. You will have three separate, or
internal classes that will:
1. Instantiate a Card
2. Instantiate a Deck of those Cards, and shuffle and deal them.
3. Play the game.
In this project you will simulate the playing of a simple card game. You
are given a Card and Deck class to use. The Card class should not be
changed or renamed, I will use my own Card class when testing your
This assignment should be submitted in two classes; Main+lastName,
Deck+lastName, or using internal declared classes, but will not be
referenced in this manner henceforth. The first class, Deck, will be a
modification of the class I have provided. You will need to implement
the shuffleDeck method in order for this class to be usable, which has
already been written for you in a method.
The second class, Main, will use the Card class and your modified
Deck class to create a shuffled Deck object and deal the two hands.
The hands should be dealt in alternating order, starting with the first
hand. As the cards are dealt into each hand they should be removed
from the deck.
For example, each hand is shown for the following Deck. designing your game. Then, you should plan the algorithms that you
will design.
Use the following table to plan your program.
Card/Deck Methods & Variables
Card - Methods & Variables
• String suit, String rank, int pointValue
⚫public Card(String cardRank, String
cardSuit, int cardPointValue)
⚫ public String suit()
⚫ public String rank()
⚫ public int getPointValue()
public boolean matches(Card
⚫ public String toString(); use to print
each card with a for each
Deck - Methods & Variables
private ArrayList<Card> deck;
⚫ constructor method; instantiate deck
ArrayList object, populate elements
with cards by calling initialization
method, and shuffle it by calling
shuffle Deck() (written for you).
⚫ method to initialize the deck with 52
cards and set their point values; Ace
of Clubs through King of Spades.
⚫ method to return the top card from
the deck and remove it from the
stack; return type should match what
you are returning.
instantiate a new Deck
object based on Card
element types
• establish two arrays,
one for each hand to
be dealt
⚫deal 5 cards to each
hand calling the
getTopCard() method
from Deck{}
total up the values for
each hand using
getPointValue() from
display the cards and
their point values for
each hand
⚫ determine the winning
hand and display
You do NOT need to hand in Card, nor customize the class or the
instantiation usage of Card in Deck or Main! But you still need to
change Deck and Main to include your last name.
PLAGIARISM will earn a ZERO! Copying someone else's code online, with the highest point value wills. In the case of a law, the second
hand wins. In this game ace = 1, jack = 11, queen = 12, and king = 13.
In the deck the card in the first position (index 0) is the top of the
Lastly, Main will declare the winning hand. See the following sample
run for the exact format that will be expected.
Sample Run of Main:
Hand 1: Total points 22
three of clubs (point value
two of clubs (point value
six of hearts (point value = 6)
ten of hearts (point value 10)
ace of spades (point value = 1)
Hand 2: Total points 27
four of spades (point value = 4)
ten of clubs (point value = 10)
three of diamonds (point value
eight of diamonds (point value = 8)
two of hearts (point value = 2)
Hand 2 wins
Play again (y/n)?
To plan for the program, you should review the given classes.
Knowing which methods are available to you will be very helpful in
designing your game. Then, you should plan the algorithms that you
will design.
Use the following table to plan your program.
Card/Deck Methods & Variables
Card - Methods & Variables
• String suit, String rank, int pointValue
⚫ public Card(String cardRank, String
cardSuit, int cardPointValue)
⚫public String suit()
⚫ public String rank()
⚫ public int getPointValue()
⚫ public boolean matches(Card
⚫ public String toString(); use to print
• instantiate a new Deck
object based on Card
element types
• establish two arrays,
one for each hand to
be dealt DOOR GIRO DI TUTTI D joc une More Cho nu
The hands should be dealt in alternating order, starting with the first
hand. As the cards are dealt into each hand they should be removed
from the deck.
For example, each hand is shown for the following Deck.
seven of spades
queen of spades
ten of spades
eight of spades
three of spades
king of hearts
queen of hearts
jack of clubs
four of clubs
eight of clubs
king of diamonds
seven of hearts
<- Index 0, top card
<Index 1, etc.
Hand 1:
Hand 2:
seven of spades
queen of spades
ten of spades
eight of spades
three of spades
queen of hearts
king of hearts
jack of clubs
eight of clubs
four of clubs
Each of these cards should be removed from the deck.
After dealing the hand, Main should use the point value attribute of
each card to calculate the total point value of each hand. The hand
with the highest point value wins. In the case of a draw, the second
hand wins. In this game ace = 1, jack = 11, queen = 12, and king = 13.
In the deck the card in the first position (index 0) is the top of the
Lastly, Main will declare the winning hand. See the following sample
run for the exact format that will be expected.
Sample Run of Main:
Hand 1: Total points 22
three of clubs (point value = 3)
two of clubs (point value = 2)
six of hearts (point value = 6)
ten of hearts (point value = 10)
ace of spades (point value = 1)
Hand 2: Total points 27 DOOR GIRO DI TUTTI D joc une More Cho nu
The hands should be dealt in alternating order, starting with the first
hand. As the cards are dealt into each hand they should be removed
from the deck.
For example, each hand is shown for the following Deck.
seven of spades
queen of spades
ten of spades
eight of spades
three of spades
king of hearts
queen of hearts
jack of clubs
four of clubs
eight of clubs
king of diamonds
seven of hearts
<- Index 0, top card
<Index 1, etc.
Hand 1:
Hand 2:
seven of spades
queen of spades
ten of spades
eight of spades
three of spades
queen of hearts
king of hearts
jack of clubs
eight of clubs
four of clubs
Each of these cards should be removed from the deck.
After dealing the hand, Main should use the point value attribute of
each card to calculate the total point value of each hand. The hand
with the highest point value wins. In the case of a draw, the second
hand wins. In this game ace = 1, jack = 11, queen = 12, and king = 13.
In the deck the card in the first position (index 0) is the top of the
Lastly, Main will declare the winning hand. See the following sample
run for the exact format that will be expected.
Sample Run of Main:
Hand 1: Total points 22
three of clubs (point value = 3)
two of clubs (point value = 2)
six of hearts (point value = 6)
ten of hearts (point value = 10)
ace of spades (point value = 1)
Hand 2: Total points 27