
Write a shellscript to append two files accepted as command line input, if they exist. Display the content of the new file, and the number of words in all the

files. Write a shell script to input a file name. If the file exist, perform the following using menu-driven programming according to the options given below: Option 1 2 Any other value Process to be done Display the line at the middle of the file Display the background processes display all the files in the current directory that has size ranging from 100 kb to 500 kb A user is typing a Shell script in vi editor. He wants to delete a line in his file. To which mode should he change and how? A user wants to get a list of devices and the points at which they will be attached to the main filesystem. From Choose... which of the following files can he get the required information? An administrator types the following command on an RPM- based Linux distribution: # rpm -ev nx-3.5.0- Choose... 2.el6.centos.i686.rpm What is the effect of is command? Choose... ◆ * What is the output of the following shell script? #! /bin/bash x=3 y=5 if [ $x -eq 3 -a $y -ge 5 ] then echo -n $(($x+2)) FL echo "$y+2 Choose... Match the Following: A user is typing a Shell script in vi editor. He wants to delete a line in his file. To which mode should he change and h✓ Choose... A user wants to list of devices ar points at which will be attached main filesystem. which of the foll files can he get t required informa An administrato types the follow command on an based Linux Choose... 3+27 5 5+2 Command, press Esc key /etc/fstab Remove the package Insert, press Esc key /etc/filestab enable the package distribution: # rpm -ev nx-3.5.0- el6.centos.i686.rpm Choose... ◆

Fig: 1