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WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT There will be one assigned paper which must be between four and five double-spaced typewritten pages PDF format. This paper may be on one of the following three length (not including graphs/references). The can be submitted in word or 1. Choose one of the famous economists from the text, such as Joan Robinson or David Ricardo.You may substitute another outstanding economist of your choice but only after you check with me. The paper will be written on the life, times, and contributions of this economist.Specifically, the paper should discuss: -briefly, the person's life history-his (her) major theoretical contributions-how these contributions differed from the prevalent ideas of his (her) time-how the ideas of this economist influence the theory of microeconomics as studied in this course (for example, imperfect competition, elasticities, etc.) THERE ARE SIX ECONOMISTS YOU MAY NOT CHOOSE AS A TOPIC: ADAM SMITH, ALFRED MARSHAL, JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES, JOHN HICKS,EDWARD CHAMBERLIN, AND KARL MARX. THESE ECONOMISTS, WHILE OUTSTANDING IN THE FIELD, HAVE BEEN MORE THAN A LITTLE"OVEREXPOSED" IN RECENT YEARS IN THIS CLASS. "Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. It is ideas, not vested interests, which are dangerous for good or evil."-John Maynard Keynes 2. Many--if not most--of people's decisions in day to day life are guided at least in part by economics, including those regarding the environment. To illustrate this, one need only per use the daily newspaper. For this assignment, select four or five recent newspaper or magazine articles which address an issue in resource or environmental economics (or other issues in microeconomics). Then, discuss in detail the economic concepts underlying each article's theme, using approximately one page per article. Make liberal use of graphs and diagrams as necessary (these will not be included in the page limit). Newspaper or internet articles used to write this paper must be handed in with the paper. 3. Rather than choosing five articles on five different topics as in assignment choice #2, choose one topic, then discuss and analyze five newspaper or magazine articles addressing that topic.As in #2, you must discuss in detail the economic concepts underlying each article's theme, using approximately one page per article. Again, graphs and diagrams should be used as necessary and are not included in the page limit. Newspaper articles used to write this paper must be handed in with the paper. A one-page outline of your paper topic (worth 5 pts.) must be handed in This outline must include: -the topic chosen -- either the "famous economist" or the newspaper topic -a preliminary list of the references you plan to use in researching your paper -a rough outline of your paper structure You may want to visit with me to discuss content and structure with me. This can be via email,and I am going to schedule a zoom session to discuss the overall paper if there is interest. All papers must be thoroughly referenced; a suitable reference format must be used in the text.For example: In past studies--especially early contingent valuation studies--it was common for researchers to use iterative bidding or open ended bid formats in willingness to pay surveys (Mitchell and Carson, 1989).Harris et al (1989, p. 217) express doubt that CVM respondents "adequately assess (much less maximize) the utilities derived from non-Market goods being valued, consider the prices of other Market and non Market goods, or appraise their discretionary income as a realistic constraint." Note that when direct quotes are drawn from the text, the page number must also be included.However, heavy reliance on direct quotes should be avoided as it disrupts the flow of the paper.Help is available through the University Writing Center. A note on plagiarism: Intentionally or unintentionally, this is a problem in paper writing. I direct you to the passage from the University Academic Honesty Policy( 09.3 Plagiarism ; The unattributed use of the ideas, evidence, or words of another person, or the conveying of the false impression that the arguments and writing in a paper are the student's own.Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to the following: 1. The acquisition by purchase or otherwise of a part or the whole of a piece of work which is represented as the student's own; 2. The representation of the ideas, data, or writing of another person as the student's own work, even though some wording, methods of citation, or arrangement of evidence, ideas,or arguments have been altered; 3. Concealment of the true sources of information, ideas, or argument in any piece of work. There is a tutorial on plagiarism on the College website goes without saying that we will be following the guidelines set out in the University Academic Honesty Policy in other parts of the course as well. A useful starting point for topic #1 is Robert Heilbroner, The Worldly Philosophers, Simon and Schuster Publishers (1986). Heilbroner's book will be placed on reserve at the library. For topic #2, any reputable newspaper/website will do as a source. Please note that I do not consider publications like the National Enquirer as reputable. Also, Wikipedia and various blog sites, while they might point you in the right direction, are NOT credible scientific references.Students are encouraged to discuss their papers with me as the semester progresses. Papers will be graded on content AND Grammar and spelling. A useful reference in the composition of this paper is the classic The Elements of Style by W. Strunk Jr. and E.B. White(Macmillan Press) or The Concise Handbook for Writers (1991, Merriam Webster) which contains useful pointers on grammatical style, use of quotations, and bibliography form. You are also strongly urged to consider using the University Writing Center as a resource. If you have a good idea for an alternative topic to those listed, you may discuss it with me.Subject to my approval, substitutions may be possible.

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