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You are a Brand Consultant at The Kind Company, a full-service ad agency. Your role sits within

their specialist Creative Brand management team.

Write a Blog to succinctly present your final brand concept (from the Workbook task) and support

your choice of brand elements with justification. The primary target audience for this written

work is the client (from the Workbook). The Blog may also be published on LinkedIn to be read by

prospective clients and employers. This as an opportunity to reflect on your knowledge and skills


Your task

Individual Blog - the final brand concept (1500 words)

Choose any one brand from the workbook tasks.

Use relevant branding theory, concepts and practical examples to:

1. Discuss the significance of branding and your brand proposal (the final concept)

to the client's business.

2. Evaluate how and why the brand and your brand concept is significant to consumers'

everyday lives and self-identity projects./n3. Explain how your brand elements are part of a holistic brandscape and explain the

story/narrative behind the concept.

4. Based on points 1-3, clearly justify your final brand concept to the client and make

recommendations for implementation to successfully build, manage and sustain the brand.

5. Exhibit personal reflection on learning and skills development.

6. Cite (in-text and reference list) at least 3 academic sources and 2 non-academic sources

(such as market research and industry reports).

Fig: 1

Fig: 2