technologies you've examined in this course. Your proposal is a culmination of your learning ov
received from your peers and your instructor to develop the deliverables for each section in th
The proposal should be designed to convince your audience that the innovation or solutions y
employees, and its customers. You will need to present a balanced view of the problem and the
stakeholder in the endeavor.
In your paper include the following sections:
• Executive Summary
• Provide an overview of the proposal contents.
• Problem Summary
• Explain the problem(s) that DargeanGrix faces, including intangible costs and why the of
Intangible Costs of the Problem
• Analyze the tangible and intangible costs associated with the problem(s) identified abov
• Include a table to provide a visual representation of your analysis.
• Proposed solution
• Evaluate how the solution addresses DargeanGrix's issuels).
• Include a cost and benefit analysis for your proposal
• Include a table to provide a visual representation of the information.
• Justify how the solution addresses ethical concems and is socially responsible towa
• Rationale
• Explain how you will take the lead in championing the changes.
• Explain how the solution could benefit the organization, the clients, and the commu
• Summary and Conclusion(s)
• Provide a clear recap of the proposal and your recommendations and conclusions.
The Innovative Technology Solution Proposal final paper
. Must be at least 12 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages
Writing Center's APA Formatting for Microsoft Word resource.
. Must include a separate title page with the following:
• Title of the proposal
• Student's name
• Course name and number
• Instructor's name
• Date submitted
Fig: 1