start the video recording step 1 in photoshop start a new file file gr
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Start the video recording
Step 1: In Photoshop, Start a NEW file (File > New)
9" W x 5" h
72 ppi (resolution)
. RGB Mode
Step 2: Combine 1 Original Photo (File>Place Embedded) with a minimum of the
Custom Named Layer with the Specific Filter used and other tools and
techniques in the description
Manual and Filter Manipulated Text (your name or any word(s)
5 different Filters (used in any way)
Painted Layers
Layer Blending Modes
Layer Styles (fx)
Adjustment Layers
Manual Tools (Brush, Smudge, etc)
STEP 3: Save As FilterExperiments.psd
STEP 4: Prepare your file for the Presentation Discussion:
1. Make sure the Layers Panel is visible and expanded to show all layers. Open
any layer groups to show all layers. Multiple screenshots are accepted as
2. Take a screenshot of the Photoshop Interface to show both your project and
your layers
3. Rename the screenshot as Filter_Experiments_Interface.png
Stop the video recording