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PROBLEM -1 In This OP-AMP circuit we know the Input Voltage (0.4V) and we are asked to calculate the Output Voltage. In addition we also need to calculate the load current iL. The load we know it is very safe so the load current must be much lower than the current that could be lethal < 40mA. 10K 50k wwwwww 1K9 = 1,000 + 0.4V iL20KSL

Problem 6: (Lab 3 Exercise 1) In a balanced, delta-connected, resistive, three-phase circuit, the phase voltage ErHASE is 420V and the line current luNE is 6.9 A. Calculate the total active power ProTAL, dissipated in the circuit.

Problem 7: Lab 4 What are the main differences between single-unit, three-phase power transformers and three- phase transformer banks? Problem 8: (Lab 4) Consider a three-phase transformer bank connected in a wye-delta configuration. Each winding at the primary of the three-phase transformer bank is made of 5400 turns of wire, while each winding at the secondary is made of 1250 tums of wire. If the line voltage Eves at the primary is equal to 100 kV, determine the line voltage Esec. at the secondary

Assignment details Need to do Experiment 4: Superposition theorem

Problem 3 (20 points) Use source transformation to find the value of V, in the circuit below.

Solve for Thevenins Voltage Vth and Thevenins Resistance Rth, each resistor= 14.4k ohm, each voltage source = 225V, show all work

Use Thevenin's Theorem to find I. Also, draw the Norton circuit. V w w 4 ΚΩ 2 ΚΩ 20 V 32 ΚΩ + 2V

Write 1-2 pages (500 words) explaining the following: • Definition of Nodal Analysis. • In which cases of circuits types it can be used. • List two examples about its application in electrical engineering if there. • Show an electrical circuit "figure only" with no calculation, that can be solved using Nodal Analysis and explain theoretically how it would be solved.

Find Rl for maiximum power trasfer and determine the value of such power.

Experiment -5 Thevenin's Theorem and Max. Power Transfer Theorem

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