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  • Q1:Assignment: 1 Health Promotion Activities for people with Disabilities in KSA See Answer
  • Q2:Assignment: 2 Frame a Research question based on the above scenario. Formulate the General and Specific Objectives for the study. Describe the Methods procedures and analysis plan which will be used to conduct the study.See Answer
  • Q3:Assignment Each student will need to identify a medical need or medical problem and submit a description by Sunday October 30- We will create a team of 3-4 students which then will decide which of the medical problems their team members developed will be further investigated. The scope of a solution to the problem will need to be manageable by a typical capstone engineering team through the development of a device, system or process in the future. Describing the medical need should follow the framework below. This description should describe the treatment strategy or behavioral change you might enable. You can mention the process or technology, but it is of secondary. In our interdisciplinary design projects, we often focus on technical device-based solutions. However, many medical problems can be solved using non-technical solutions. Developing processes or regulations can be equally important. How to go about this: I prefer that you describe an original problem statement. If you cannot cproduce your own idea go to https://icap.engineering.arizona.edu/projects/current-past-projects and identify a medical project that interests you. You might also find ideas at: https://biodesign.stanford.edu/or http://oedk.rice.edu/. If you know that the problem is not original, please state so in the observation section. Frame Work: Please keep this brief like my examples. Problem Identification - Observation: How did you identify the medical problem? - Problem: What is the problem to be addressed? - Need: What is the medical need? - Burden: What is the burden of this problem on society and the individual? Personal Inventory [Optional]: - Mission: What is your aspirational goal related to this need? - Strengths and Weaknesses: What the pros and cons that you work on this need? - Acceptance Criteria: When would working on the solution of the need be rewarding for you?See Answer
  • Q4:Introduction O Include brief and relevant background information. Provide suitable and correct in text references Body: Add a paragraph for each part of the question. Provide suitable and correct in text references. Consider using Tables and Figures to convey the information. Topic sentence stating the main points O Sentences elaborating each point with supporting evidence O Concluding sentence summarising the points, linking to next paragraph O Conclusion: reiterate the claims in the introduction and refer back to the topic Reference List: include a FULL list of all references that you cited. O Include ALL authors in reference list/nEssay Prompt Monkeypox is an emerging disease in the UK. Using the evidence base write 500 words which: 1. Identify the available monkeypox vaccines and explain how they work 2. Identify which members of the population should be vaccinated and why In your essay, you must: • Use appropriate sources and reference them correctly • Stay within the word limit (500 words) XSee Answer
  • Q5:Journal Club PHRM 535 Pharmacy Practice Lab V In PHRM 535 you will be expected to, in teams, lead one journal club discussion and participate in a second journal club discussion. The student team leading journal club will be responsible for preparing a handout, presenting the article, guiding the discussion, and evaluating a related patient case. The student team participating in journal club will be responsible for paying attention, asking questions, and evaluating the journal club leaders. All students (leaders and participants) must review the assigned article prior to class. Teams leading journal club will be allotted 30 minutes to provide an overview of the study, their interpretation of results, and their critique of the study. It is suggested to allow 10 to 15 minutes for the study overview, 10 to 15 minutes for the critique, and 5 to 10 minutes for questions. The individual who will lead each section (e.g., introduction, methods, statistics, results) will be decided at random at the time of the presentation; as such, it will benefit the entire team if all members are familiar with all aspects of the article. Students may be called on to participate once or more than once. Each team will be evaluated by a course instructor and another student team (see provided evaluation forms). Teams that do not earn 70% of the content points will repeat the activity. Teams that do not prepare an acceptable handout (considering both content and professional presentation) will re-do that portion of the assignment at the discretion of the course instructor and course coordinator. You will be working with your selected team for journal club. The following table describes your assigned articles for when your team are the journal club leaders and when your team are the journal club participants: Points will be earned for the following activities: 1. Leading journal club 2. Evaluating another team's journal club 40 points 10 points/nEvaluation: Please see the separately attached rubrics that will be completed by faculty and participating students. Participating students should note that portions of the evaluation must be completed prior to lab. Students evaluating another journal club team will be required to complete Part 1 of the evaluation on paper prior to lab, and then submit a paper copy with their complete evaluation containing Part 1 and Part 2 by the end of lab. Instructions for using the attached template: 1. The journal club handout should provide an OVERVIEW of key information from the article - it should not rewrite the entire paper. For PHRM 535, the length limit for journal club handouts is 4 pages (i.e., 2 pages front and back which includes the references). You will use this handout to verbally present to the group. (No PowerPoints.) 2. All requested information should be included; however, do not feel like you need to discuss every point in the handout during your discussion. For example, you may chose not to address the location of the study in detail unless an audience participant asks about it. 3. The journal club critique is organized using the approach from PHRM 420; however, you may feel free to reorganize the critique section as necessary. 4. The prompts listed in the critique section are not exhaustive; similarly, each issue may not apply to each study. Citation Location Funding OVERVIEW ▪ Provide the complete article citation using AMA format. ▪ Provide information regarding study sites including institution, state, and country, if applicable. ▪ Describe the funding source and the role they played in the study (e.g., provided medication, developed study, developed manuscript, approved manuscript). INTRODUCTION/nBackground Previous Trials Potential Impact Objectives Study Design Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria Interventions Primary Endpoint Secondary Endpoints Safety Endpoints Statistical Analyses Enrollment INTRODUCTION ▪ Provide a concise overview of the pertinent drug(s), disease state(s), etc. that have bearing on the discussion. This should include information besides just what is provided in the article intro. ▪ Cite and briefly discuss two to three previous trials that have bearing on the primary article. Summarize key details of the results and indicate how these studies led to the one being reviewed in the current presentation. This should include information besides just what is provided in the article intro. ▪ Based on the authors' objectives, background information, and previous trials, describe the potential impact the results of this study could have on practice. ▪ Paraphrase the authors' stated objective for the study. METHODS Provide an overview of the following: Study type (e.g., case-control, clinical trial), phase of drug development (i.e., I, II, III, IV), randomization, control, blinding, etc. as applicable. ▪ List and discuss stated inclusion criteria; highlight key information. ▪ List and discuss stated exclusion criteria; highlight key information. List and discuss stated inclusion criteria; highlight key information. ▪ List and discuss stated exclusion criteria; highlight key information. ▪ Provide dosing, schedule, etc. for intervention, comparator, and monitoring. NOTE: This section does not apply to observational studies. ▪ List and discuss the primary endpoint. NOTE: For clinical trials, the primary endpoint is the endpoint used in the power calculation. If there is a discrepancy between the actual primary endpoint and the authors' described primary endpoint, this should be addressed. ▪ List the secondary endpoints; highlight key secondary endpoints. ▪ Describe the authors' adverse drug event monitoring plan and any other related safety endpoints. ▪ List and describe the statistical tests used; describe the power calculation; note the populations analyzed (e.g., intention to treat, per protocol, as treated). RESULTS Describe issues such as number of patients screened, number/percentage of patients randomized, number/percentage of patients who received the intervention vs. control; include an overview of adherence, attrition, and other related considerations. Baseline Characteristics ▪ List and describe the results for base line characteristics that are key to understanding and applying the study; this section should provide the audience with a clear picture of who was enrolled in the study. Differences between groups should be made clear.See Answer
  • Q6:Monkeypox is an emerging disease in the UK. Using the evidence base write 500 words which: 1. Identify the available monkeypox vaccines and explain how they work 2. Identify which members of the population should be vaccinated and whySee Answer

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