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  • Q1:1. Identify main metabolic enzymes involved in elimination of clozapine. a) Tabulate median clozapine maximal plasma concentrations (Cmax), area under plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) and clearance (Dose/AUC) in non-smokers vs. heavy smokers (>20 cigarettes/day). Assess percent change in these parameters in smoker vs. non-smoker patients. Explain reasons for potential differences in parameters between smokers and non-smokers. b) Comment whether you would recommend a change in clozapine dose in heavy smokers and why.See Answer
  • Q2:2. Define parameter half-life. Calculate clozapine half-life in non-smoker and smoker patient groups using clearance values calculated in question 1 (see PKPD Table). Assume volume of distribution and corresponding average body weight (BW) of each of the patient group as listed below: a) Non-smokers: V= 5.5 L/kg, average BW= 75 kg b) Smokers: V = 6 L/kg, average BW = 67 kgSee Answer
  • Q3:3. Explain whether you expect clozapine Cmax to change following the initiation of smoking cessation and whether there would be any consequences of smoking cessation on the patient's safety and efficacy of this drug. What effect would nicotine replacement therapy have on clozapine metabolism?See Answer
  • Q4:4. Identify another drug example where pharmacokinetics of a drug differs between smokers and non- smokers. List either clearance, AUC or t1/2 for that drug in smokers vs. non-smokers, explain reasons for these differences and include relevant reference. Comment on any therapeutic implications/ clinical action for that drug example for i) the patient starting smoking and for ii) the patient stopping smoking.See Answer
  • Q5:Patient Female, 45 year old. Chief Complaint While eating, she bit down on something hard and immediately experienced a sharp shooting pain on the left side that persisted even after she stopped chewing. She had increased sensitivity in her lower left molar to hot and cold foods or drinks. Background and/or Patient History The patient had been in your office for many years and practiced good oral hygiene and reported annually for examination and prophylactic cleaning. Current Findings Upon examination you diagnosed a crack in the dental restoration in the lower left first. Case I. Local Anesthesia for Controlling Dental Pain. Understanding why your local anesthetic is "smart enough" to know how to block the pain efficiently and selectively Drs. H. Cohen and R. Shirokov. Images are courtesy of Dr. P. Duda Cook-Walte Lidocaine HCI 2% and Epinephrine 1:100,000 Injection (lidocaine hydrochloride and epinephrine injection, USP) Marked by Canestream Heath, inc To block the pain in the lower left molar, you injected the left inferior alveolar nerve with a cartridge of 2% lidocaine/epinephrine 1:100,000. After several minutes she reported the area was "numb" and that she had no feeling of the previous pain. She was able to open her mouth and position her jaw so you could complete her tooth restoration with no difficulty. 1. The patient felt numb but could touch and feel her face, teeth, and mouth after she was injected. Describe the basic neuron anatomy and physiology of how these impulse sensations are conducted along the nerve fiber. a) What types of nerve fibers are involved affecting her tooth pain and other aspects, such as sensitivity to touch and jaw movement? b) How are action potentials conducted through these fibers? Describe the differences. c) What are the principal factors determining conduction velocity in different types of nerve fibers?See Answer
  • Q6:ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS A novel compound to treat sickle cell crisis is being developed that would act at 2 mg dose. It is currently formulated as a tablet of a total weight of 200 mg due to the need for excipients, and the total number of particles is determined at 200 000 per gram. Calculate the standard deviation, the coefficient of variation and the acceptable number of particles in the scale of scrutiny to ensure that we detect 1.5% as acceptable deviation. and compare and contrast these two formulations (so capsule and tablet). Suggest any alterations to these powders to alleviate the found problems.See Answer
  • Q7:Student's note "I had one year gap and when start after one year i put new class for me becuse my batch arighdy they were graguate. and i start voleentery work in the hospitan pharmacy. i did lot of lab sesstion in this year and imy project was lab based, i got lots of exprience. my result was not good because i did prepare properly but some courses exam was difficult" Project chosen by student Biophysical investigation of the mechanism of action of a short cationic antimicrobial peptide containing tryptophan LSee Answer
  • Q8:(1) The research words assigned to our group were 'Pharmaceuticals' and 'Circular Economy'. A circular economy aims to reduce waste and pollution by recycling, reusing, and repairing products to keep them in circulation for as long as possible and maximize their useful life.See Answer
  • Q9: 1. What is the role of community pharmacy in patient education?See Answer

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