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  • Q1: Writing Assignment Italian Film 1. Consider both Roma città aperta and Ladri di biciclette. Compare and contrast the two films based on the tenets of neorealism that appear in both. Use specific scenes to support your argument. Bicycle Thieves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVw2ctnL22M Rome, Open City (1945) | Roberto Rossellini https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMTbTcOJZ00See Answer
  • Q2: Writing Assignment Italian Film 1. Consider the role of religion/spirituality in both Rossellini's and De Sica's films. How are they portrayed on the screen? Are they represented similarly or not? Use specific scenes to support your argument.See Answer
  • Q3:Written Assignment Discussion 6 1. Based on Celli's chapter, why were the 70s referred to as gli anni di piombo (the years of lead)? Given what we've studied about the social/political/cultural movements in Italy up until now, are you surprised by this phenomenon?See Answer
  • Q4:2. Last week we talked about how during the years of the Economic Boom, most people still preferred watching films in a theater over television. Does that remain the same during the years described in this chapter or not? What may or may not have caused a shift?See Answer
  • Q5:3. What is the biggest shift in films from the first part of the decade (1970-1974) to the second half (1975-1979)? Why do you think this is?See Answer
  • Q6:4. How does Ettore Scola engage with the tenets of Neorealism that we've studied, all the while creating a film with elements we have not yet seen? What do you think is the message of this film?See Answer
  • Q7:Course Name Project Title Section Student Name This assessment will assess the following Learning outcome/s: CLO2: Explain the critical process of communication and basic theoretical concepts of media literacy to illustrate how messages create meaning in text, images and sound. CLO3: Apply media literacy skills to analyze various forms of media and usage to local media situations based on perceptual indicators. CLO4: Analyze mass media's interrelationship on the use of technology and production processes in formulating media messages COM 1153 Media Literacy AS_Written Assessment Declaration: Individual • No part of this assignment has been copied from another source, (not from another group or student, an internet source or a book) When another person's words are used, this is shown in the text with "..." and referenced. No part of this assignment has been written for me by any other person. • I have a copy of this assignment that I can produce if the first copy is lost or damaged. Name: Received By:. Signature: N.B. The marker may choose not to mark this assignment if the above declaration is not signed. If the declaration is found to be false, appropriate action will be taken. Plagiarism is copying and handing in someone's work as your own. Any student found guilty of this type of cheating will be dismissed from the college. Date:See Answer
  • Q8:Question 1: A. Explain what is meant by the separation of powers doctrine, and why it is considered so important in a common law system. In your answer give examples of the advantages of such as system, and real life examples of how it applies B. Does the separation of powers actually apply in Australia, or are there reasons to believe this does not perfectly apply in Australia? [What are the exceptions to the doctrine that can be observed in Australia] See Answer
  • Q9:Question 2 Explain the distinction, operation and application of civil law from that of public law. In your explanation outline various branches of each type of law, and also the different degrees of proof required, and the parties who may be involved in applying such law. [Explain the different types of law, standard of proof and the onus on which parties must prove their case] See Answer
  • Q10:Question 3 Geoff is a protester who is against duck hunting in Victoria. Geoff disrupts all duck hunting events, and is eventually arrested for disturbing the peace; he is brought before the Magistrate’s Court. Geoff claims his right of freedom speech under the Australian Constitution, and hence this court has no authority over him. Explain which court must decide whether Geoff has such rights under the Constitution, and why that court is involved. What would be the effect of a court actually determining that he did have a right of freedom of speech under the Constitution? What if the court made a decision which the government found to be unreasonable under current opinion? [Look at the hierarchy of the court system, the role of the High Court, and the role of parliament in interacting with court decisions] See Answer
  • Q11:Need to do in 1800 words->>the 8 reference files have all cases that we need->>not a research task just using the cases from the readingsSee Answer
  • Q12:1. Explain why you've selected this case from among those available to you. Not "it was first on the list." (10 points) 2. Tell us when and where this was case was decided - note the Court making the decision and the year of the decision. (10 points) 3. Tell us what happened in the case - provide some general background, but focus on the "substantive facts" - the facts that were important to the Court in making its decision. (25 points) 4. Tell us what the Court's decision was in the case - what its final conclusion was. Tell us if there were any concurring or dissenting opinions in the case and provide a short summary of what they said. (10 points) Tell us if you think the Court made the right decision and why. (5 points) 5. 6. Tell us why this case is important in our study of Business Law - what concept does it cover, and how did it help you understand that concept. (20 points) 7. Provide a link to something that was written about this case, other than from a Business Law textbook. (10 points)See Answer
  • Q13: Allison has just graduated from the university with a degree in computing engineering andhas plans to set up a fintech business in Singapore.Allison intends to rope in her best friends to assist her in the administrative matters of thecompany while she will provide the core technical solutions for customers. It is contemplatedthat Allison will maintain more than 50% equity interest in the company notwithstanding thepossible injection of capital by investors. She will also be the chief executive officer andexecutive director and expects not more than two other friends to join her on the board.Separately, Allison wishes to set up a foundation, which will be a separate arm of herbusiness, to drive her favourite charitable causes.Allison has determined that she should incorporate a company to pursue each of her businessand charity ideas. Allison knows that she needs to commit significant time and effort in theinitial development of the business, so she wishes to reduce the administrative burden on thecompany during this stage. She can foresee that once the company has established some trackrecord in its business, she may need to raise funds by bringing in new investors. Allison has come to you for advice: (a) Define the types of companies that may be incorporated in Singapore. What are the differences in these companies and their compliance requirements? Advise Allison on the appropriate form of company that is suitable for pursuing her business and charitable interests. Assume that a different company will be established for each purpose. (b)Allison feels that as she is the founder, she needs to hold more than 50% equity interest in the company and have control over the management of the company.With the introduction of new investors, she is concerned that there will be interference with management by shareholders and possibly new investors. As a start-up, her company may not be able to achieve profitability and declare dividends in the short-term. Launches of new products may be delayed due to uncertain ties caused by the unforeseen pandemic and (the expected but nevertheless) real competition with the digital banks which have recently been granted licences.However, the company may still have to pay recurring costs, which includes the payment of "fat" salaries to Allison and her management team as executive directors of the company. (i)Outline the rights of minority shareholders against Allison as the majority shareholder and her management team in the situation above. You do not have to consider or discuss the right to commence derivative actions under s 216Aof the Companies Act. (ii)Describe the ways in which Allison can protect herself against any interference from the new investors whom she invites.See Answer
  • Q14:Instructions Need to do in 400 words | APA 7th edition | 4 references needed Operation time selection and explanation There will be 2 operation time. For afternoon tea will be 2-5. 4:30 last order and for bar it will be from 8pm to 12am from Sunday to Thursday and 8pm to 2am on Friday and Saturday Floor plan and design attached Legal responsibility Our restaurant will have marijuanna so could u ask the tutor to add in marijuana and alcohol laws from Amsterdam The restaurant will be located in w hotel Amsterdam Purchasing management (Food and beverages) needs to be done Operating time also as I provided but pls help me add the explanation with referencesSee Answer
  • Q15:Assignment Details In this Individual Project (IP), you will examine and explain the history of industrial relations as they relate to labor, collective bargaining, and the role of human resources (HR), management, government, and legislation. Discuss the following: • Provide an analysis of the history of overall labor movement and how it is influenced by collective bargaining. • Examine the role of management and HR and its influence on the labor movement. • Explain the overall influence of government and legislation on today's industrial relationships.See Answer
  • Q16:INTRODUCTION (20 points) State student's specific workforce education/training current or future job. Include job title, description, and place of employment. Describe job duties. Can be fictitious. Provide in-text citations as needed. Introduce two legislative acts that are associated with job/career. Briefly explain how the acts are related to the job and how they each support the workforce. Provide in-text citations as needed. Choose any two legislative acts from the module lesson. Do not use both WIOA and National Apprenticeship Act as stated in the lesson. Can use only one of those, not both. One to two pages - double spaced. COMPARISON (30 points) Each Act is explained in its own section and then compared to each other. Headings are created for each Act and Comparison section. Details are stated IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Reword / Paraphrase only, no copy and pasting. Each section is no less than 250 words Comparison section states similarities and differences between the two Acts Example of section: Act I: (250 words) Act II: (250 words) Comparison: (250 words)See Answer
  • Q17:Use the advocacy plan framework discussed in PowerPoint and write 300-350 words, use the following headings: Advocacy Plan Outline • Advocacy Problem: Briefly describe the advocacy problem. • Advocacy Goal: In 1 short sentence state the goal of the advocacy. • Policy: Research and identify the specific area of policy related to the advocacy problem and goal • Analysis of Power: Who is the opposition and what are their sources of power? Who specifically has decision making power? Who are the service user's allies and what are their sources of power? • Evidence: Summarize the evidence that will be used to support the advocacy. Case Study - Lindy Bell You are a Community Advocate that specializes in employment cases. You work for the Hamilton Employment and Advocacy Centre in downtown Hamilton. It is September 15, 2023 and your first appointment for the day is with Lindy Bell. Lindy is 25-years-old and looking for employment in the social service sector. She has a Diploma in Social Service Work and three years' experience in the field as an addiction counsellor. The agency she worked for closed suddenly six months ago because the government cut the funding. Lindy has been doing some relief work at a residential treatment program for women but is trying to get a full-time job. Lindy is seeking your assistance because she believes an employer discriminated against her because she is Indigenous. At the appointment Lindy explains that she has been applying for positions as an addiction counsellor in the Hamilton area. On August 12, 2023 a residential treatment program called Hamilton Addiction Help (HAH) advertised an addiction counsellor position. The employment advertisement asked for a Social Service Work diploma and at least two years related experience. Lindy immediately applied for the position, as she had all of the qualifications. She was very excited about the possibility of working for HAH as the organization had a good reputation in the community for helping people and she would be proud to continue their good work. Lindy applied for the HAH position well before the closing date of August 23, 2023. On August 30, 2023 she received an invitation for an interview. Lindy prepared for the interview by learning all she could about programs and services offered by HAH. She did some practice interviews with a family member responsible for hiring and training on a concurrent disorder clinic in Hamilton. She got lots of sleep the night before the interview, dressed professionally and arrived 15 minutes before the start of the interview on September 2, 2023. Three people were at the interview representing HAH, James Green, Program Supervisor, Melonie Ryder, Program Manager and Erin Jones, Human Resource Manager. Mr. Green explained that they would be asking all of the candidates the same standard questions and would decide based on the correctness and quality of the answers. In the early part of the/ninterview Lindy was asked to discuss her education and practice experience. She was asked about her experiences working on a multidisciplinary team and the style of supervision she preferred. She was asked to give examples of cases she felt were successful and also those she found more challenging. Lindy felt very confident answering the first few questions, she had a really good feeling about the way the interview was going and felt she was making a very good impression. At this point she felt the three interviewers were very warm, friendly and encouraging. The final set of questions asked about her personal experience with addictions. James Green asked if she had any personal experience of addiction. Lindy quickly answered that she had not had any person experiences of addiction. Mr. Green then asked if any of her family members of friends had experienced addictions. Again, she answered that none of her close family members or friends had experienced addictions. At this point Lindy noticed that Mr. Greens demeanor changed he smirked slightly and glanced at Ms. Ryder and Ms. Jones as if he was looking for their approval or agreement. Then he said that he was surprised by her answer because he knew that addictions are a real problem in the Indigenous community. Lindy was shocked by Mr. Green's comment and felt that he was implying that she was being untruthful. After this the discussion really went flat and Mr. Green seemed to want to wind up the interview as quickly as possible. On September 9 she received an email message that HAH had filled the position and that they wished her all the best in her future endeavours. Later in the day Lindy discovered through social media that the successful candidate was a former classmate in the SSW program with only 1-year experience working with people with physical disabilities. Lindy is asking for your help to try to hold the HAH accountable for their discriminatory hiring practices. She does not want to see another person experience what she had experienced. Your job is to help Lindy write an advocacy plan. You may add additional detail that is reasonable, realistic and consistent with this basic case study (ie. Specific dates, appointments, references, documentation, etc).See Answer
  • Q18:Your assignment submission should be a maximum length of five (5) pages. It should contain proper grammar, be free of spelling errors, and reflect critical thinking. Place any explanations / comments / discussions in the notes section of your slides. Directions You are the compliance officer with a hospital system. You are responsible for training the staff on the new compliance policy you developed. Based on the information you learned in Module 2, create a presentation for your staff discussing both the marketing and sale of protected health information. Make sure you address how you can share and protect health information. Your presentation must be concise, clear, and simple. Use all materials available to you for your presentation and Module 2. Combined Regulation Text of All Rules (hhs.gos:) HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE CHAPTER 181. MEDICAL RECORDS PRIVACY (texas.gov.) BUSINESS AND COMMERCE CODE CHAPTER 521. UNAUTHORIZED USE OF IDENTIFYING INFORMATION (texas.gov)See Answer
  • Q19:Choose 3 the following cases, then analyze the cases in the Questions and Problems. For each assigned case, write an analysis of the issue based on the following criteria: Identify the parties involved in the case dispute (who is the plaintiff and who is the defendant). Identify the facts associated with the case and fact patterns. Develop the appropriate legal issue(s) in question (i.e., the specific legal issue between the two parties). Provide a judgment on who should win the case - be clear. Support your decision with an appropriate rule of law. Be prepared to defend your decision and to objectively evaluate the other points of view.See Answer
  • Q20:This appeal arises out of the trial court's division of property in a divorce case. Vincent Simmons appeals from the trial court's order awarding to his wife, Dorothy Simmons, a one-half interest in land that he had inherited from his parents. Vincent contends that the land is nonmarital propcrty and consequently, should have remained his separate property. Vincent and Dorothy Simmons were married in 1976. Vincent's mother executed a trust in order to convey the land in Florida to her children, Vincent and his sister, upon her death. Louise Simmons died on April 1, 1999, but the land remained in trust for several years after her death. After Louise died, Dorothy became concerned that she would not receive an interest in the Florida land if Vincent died before the trust was distributed, so she hired an attomey in Monticello, David Chambers, to prepare a document to protect her interest. In the document, Vincent states, in part, "It is my intention, through this affidavit, to convey to my said wife marital interest in said real property. If I should die prior to the above-stated Trust being dissolved, then my said wife shall receive my share of said real property as her own property." In 2003, Dorothy filed for divorce. Vincent argued that there was a total absence of consideration to support a contract in this case. Dorothy argued that her ongoing marriage to Vincent constituted adequate consideration to support the contract. Who is correct? Why? [Vincent Simmons v. Dorothy Simmons, 98 Ark. App. 12 (Ark. Cl. App. 2007).] See Answer

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