Business Organization

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What could be the consequences of an economy run on positive or normative statements only?

4.1 Describe the factors of production.​ 4.2 Factors of Production: How they will be used​

5.1 Define the primary, secondary and tertiary business sectors. 5.2 Which business sector (primary, secondary, tertiary) is your business in? Explain.​

6.1 What is the difference between a public and private sector business?​ 6.2 Recommend either the private sector or public sector for your business. Explain.​

Name of chosen startup: swift (made up name) of: barstool sports rival/compeititor (the start firm should be a rival, so think about the niche. We are similar but what niche will make Swfit better than Barstool)

ASSIGNMENT NO 4: REFLECTIVE JOURNALS Review of journals related to International Business, International Law, IBL etc related to syllabus throughout the semester. OBJECTIVES: -To familiarize students with the contents and syllabus of the course

The report should: 1. Provide a brief overview of your chosen organization. The aim of this overview should be to provide the key contextual information for the rest of the report. For the remaining sections of the report, assume that you have been freshly hired by the organization of your choice, and the CEO has asked you to address the following: 2. Describe the main expected technological developments in your chosen industry in the next five to ten years. The industries/fields described above are very broad, and you might benefit from narrowing your analysis. For instance, you could look at retail in UK, or focus your analysis on healthcare for chronic conditions. Most of this section should focus on one or two technological developments providing an in-depth discussion of the impact in your industry/area (for instance, retail in UK or healthcare for chronic conditions). Technologies that you might want to focus on include, but are not limited to: Digital technologies o Al o Blockchain o Internet of things o SG o Virtual reality Biotechnologies (e.g., CRISPR) Materials technologies (e.g., self-healing materials; graphene) You are encouraged to discuss the scope of your report with your tutor. 3. Assess how the developments you describe, and in particular, those you focus on, are likely to impact competition in the industry and the competitive position of your chosen company. Are these technological development going to favour established companies or new entrants? In what ways and under what circumstances? 4. What are the most likely sources of innovation for the industry? Based on this and on the current capabilities of your company, present recommendations for your company on the best opne innovation strategy in terms of: a. What activities related to technological innovation should be conducted in-house, and what through collaboration? b. Which forms of collaboration are most suitable? c. (if applicable) Do your organization's current activities follow this pattern? 5. Based on your analysis so far, make a recommendation to your company for one innovative technology-based product or service. For this product/service, address one of the following questions, choosing the one that you feel is most relevant for your industry/field and company a. What are the main risks and opportunities associated with the innovation ecosystem of this particular product? b. What is the stage of development of the technologies you are interested in? Are the issues surrounding dominant design relevant to your innovation?

1.1 Critically analyse the concept of managers as effective leaders 1.2 Critically analyse the concept of leaders as effective managers 1.3 Critically evaluate the balance needed between the demands of strategic management and leadership 2.1 Critically evaluate the role of the leader in the creation of an organisation's vision, mission and values 2.2 Critically analyse how personal energy, self- belief and responsibility impact leadership styles and their relative success 2.3 Address how leadership can engender empowerment and trust and how ethical stance affects that and the overall impact on organisational practice 3.1 Critically evaluate transformational leadership and the impact on organisational strategy 3.2 Critically evaluate transactional leadership and the impact on organisational strategy 3.3 Critically evaluate situational leadership and the impact on organisational strategy

1.1 Evaluate the restraints and constraints on the integration of inter-organisational strategy contributions of 1.2 Identify and assess the respective participating organisations and administrations to the development and integration of inter-organisational strategy 1.3 Analyse the separate components of the planning and implementation process and the impact of tensions between them on the inter-organisational strategy and its implementation 1.4 Assess the impact of the inherent and respective power and status of the participating organisations and administrations on the inter-organisational strategy and its implementation 2.1 Critically compare and evaluate the missions, goals, roles, strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of cross border partners and competitor organisations and administrations 2.2 Critically compare and evaluate theories and methods of strategy formulation used in cross border partner organisations and administrations 2.3 Critically evaluate how effectively strategies link policy objectives, goals and aspirations to operational outcomes for cross border partners 2.4 Identify, and assess the impact of, methods for managing risks and opportunities in the strategy 3.1 Critically assess the means of obtaining, co-ordinating, measuring and analysing strategic intelligence 3.2 Critically evaluate and interpret strategic intelligence and determine measures of confidence in that intelligence to inform the development, implementation and review of policy and strategy for cross border and global organisations 3.3 Explain how strategic intelligence has a key influence in cross border and global organisational planning and decision- making 3.4 Critically examine the concept of 'acceptable risk' associated with gathering and using of strategic intelligence 3.5 Critically evaluate the effectiveness of risk theories and models used in organisational strategic planning 4.1 Critically evaluate the concepts of culture, character, ethos, beliefs, attitudes and needs and how they impact on the development and management of cross border organisational alliances and coalitions 4.2 Critically assess the influence of domestic, national and multi-national contexts on the development and implementation of cross border and global organizational policy and strategy 4.3 Critically analyse the body of knowledge on cultural differences to support proposals for innovative ways of mitigating or enhancing the impact of cultural differences on cross border or global organisational policy and strategy

1.1 Critically review and assess the relationship between different partners in the development of policy and its impact on cross border and global organisational strategy 1.2 Critically evaluate the contribution of economic, political and social factors to the development of cross border and global organisational policy and strategy 1.3 Critically assess and evaluate the role of domestic, national, and multi-national interests in the translation of policy in cross border and global organisational strategy 2.1 Identify and evaluate the policy position of different partners involved in the development and implementation of inter-organisational strategy 2.2 Evaluate tensions and conflicts of interest in the roles of different partners, and propose innovative solutions to enhance relationships and outcomes in order to achieve a coherent output 2.3 Develop models which support inter-organisational working and which respect the integrity of partner organisations and their political, moral, social and economic stance and differences 3.1 Critically identify and assess key economic drivers 3.2 Critically evaluate the impact on existing policy and strategy commitments of the finance and funding of operational activities arising from new cross border or global strategic and policy imperatives 3.3 Propose and critically assess ways of funding unexpected operational activities which will need to meet cross border or global organisational policy and strategic commitments 4.1 Review and critique current methods and theories of cross border and global organisational strategic planning and implementation 4.2 Propose original and innovative alternatives to improve cross border and global organisational communication co- ordination, strategic planning and operational implementation, and critically evaluate their likely impact 5.1 Research and critically review authoritative, quantitative and qualitative data and sources to identify relevant political, social, economic, technological and moral trends which may affect short, medium and long-term inter-organisational policy and strategy 5.2 Use current concepts, theories and methodologies to forecast likely future events which will affect and be affected by cross border and global policy and strategy 5.3 Propose alternative and innovative solutions that challenge perceived wisdom to achieve better outcomes from the process of cross border and global organisational policy and strategy formulation

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