Adult Health Nursing

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Question 1: What is your image of the child? How is it growing and changing?

Question 2: Re-read: Rogers, R. (2022) "Unpacking Child Centered". Reimagining Early Childhood Through African and Indigenous Lenses How does Rogers talk about children? How do her ideas challenge your image of the child? How can you relate her perspective to something else you have read/watched in the course so far? Provide one example.

1. For each scenario: a. Using the information provided, determine if the results indicate an obstructive, restrictive, or mixed pattern of deficit. b. Determine whether the pattern is reversible or non-reversible. Grade the severity of the disorder using the GOLD guidelines as appropriate. c. Provide the most likely diagnosis for the client. 2. For each client, list one treatment strategy including rationale. 3. Include a scholarly source in your rationale. The same scholarly source may be used to support each scenario if relevant. Include a matching reference for each citation using the current APA Style.

Diet Analysis Assignment The Purpose of this assignment is to track your regular food intake for two days. One of the days would be a weekday and the other would be a day on the weekend. Then using the information discussed in the modules and textbook, you'll design a healthy food plan for one day. This food plan should meet your caloric and nutrient requirements. You'll use to analyze your food intake and answer questions about the results you have obtained. Your responses will demonstrate your understanding of the DRIS. Part 1: EER (4 MARKS) Application of EER and estimated energy requirements. Fill in the provided template called "Templates- part-1-and-2" to complete the following: • Age, Weight in kilograms and height in metres • Calculate your EER (show your work)

Part 3: Healthy Food Plan - 1-day Produce a 1- day example of what a healthy diet looks like for you, including water, breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2-3 snacks. Review your report before printing to ensure that you are meeting all of your nutritional needs for the day.

Part 4: Nutrition Reports (2 MARKS) Submit spreadsheet reports of your daily intake for each of the three days (weekend, weekday and healthy day). • Submit your complete "Daily Diary" and "Nutrition Reports" for each day. Take print screens and copy into word format or PDF. Save all three days in one document and ensure you submit it with your final assignment. • PLEASE NOTE: These reports are required to mark this assignment.

A 20-minute graded individual presentation of an evidence-based comprehensive assessment, formulation, and recommended interventions within a multi-element framework of a service-user with complex needs identified through practice, identifying own strengths and limitations. The student will be required to: 1. Identify a service-user from practice who has complex needs and carry out an evidence based comprehensive assessment of the individual's needs. 2. Critically analyse the data from the assessment to create a formulation that identifies how the individual's needs developed and the impact this has on the individual's physical health, mental health, behaviours, and psychosocial functioning 3. Recommend evidence-based interventions using recognised multi-element frameworks 4. Identify their own strengths and limitations when carrying out this process

DAILY INTAKE FORM. Complete a separate form for each day and use more than 1 form if needed.

PART 1 1) Age:_________, weight________kg Height:____metres 2) Calculate your Estimated Energy Requirements (EER). DO NOT copy the estimated calorie intake produced by cronometer. To receive full marks, you must show all of your work See EER calculation and physical activity coeffiecients (PA values) for use in EER equations: eating/dietary-reference-intakes/tables.html#eeer 4) Special Dietary Requirements (Do you have any allergies or intolerances? Do you avoid certain foods? Provide description below. If no special dietary requirements, indicate "N/A")

PART 2 In 350-500 words, analyze your 2-day estimated food record and explain how it aligns/doesn't align with your calculated nutritional requirements (calories, carbohydrate, protein, fat etc.). Provide examples of specific dietary changes you could make to be more in line with these recommendations. Discuss any special requirements you have (allergies, diabetes, celiac, etc.) and include scholarly references to support the dietary decisions you will make for your healthy diet plan.

You are the charge nurse in the female medical ward. You have a highly depressed patient with a history of suicidal attempts. Her medical condition for which she was admitted has significantly worsened. It was suggested by the Physician that such information should be withheld from the patient. What would you do in this dilemma? Options: 1. Hold fast to your professional value of being honest; thereby, disclosing the information to the client. 2. Withhold the information until the patient is mentally stable to deal/cope with the "worsening of her physiological condition."

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