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Recently Asked human anatomy Questions

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  • Q1:1.Explain the anatomical (structural) concepts associated with muscular tissue (at a microscopic level). Such as the types, their specific content, the layers and the content associated with each layer. Remember to use anatomical terms, directional terms, etc. to describe the content and its locations. Summarize this module's key points in a minimum of 5 sentences.See Answer
  • Q2:2. Explain the physiological (functional) concepts associated with muscular tissue (at a microscopic level). What is it responsible for and how does it perform it's intended functions via muscle contraction. Summarize this module's key points in a minimum of 5 sentences.See Answer
  • Q3:3. With regards to Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) found in chapter 10.3 of the textbook, in a minimum of 5 sentences how would you manage a patient with this disorder based on the health clinician profession you have chosen as your careerSee Answer
  • Q4:Write assignment from scratch in anatomy Provided his work for reference Need to do 3-4 page / depends on solution. ● Question instruction also provided ●See Answer
  • Q5:Question 42. Using the options provided, label the bony markings that are identified in the diagram. A. B. B U Neck C O Line Fossa D* Epicondyle E None None None None XXX H Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Not Satisfactory/nВ' C. D- E Neck Line Tubercle Epicondyle -Fossa Trochanter Head None None None -None- None- None Nome Satisfactory Satisfactory Salistartory Satisfactory Satisfactorie CSABEER Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Not SatisfactorySee Answer
  • Q6:Question 43. Identify the short-term and long-term effects that each type of exercise has on bones and joints using the options provided. Aerobic Conditioning - Short Term Effects Select two (2) answers Stimulate the joints to reduce stiffness Increase lubrication in the joints Ease joint stiffness Stimulate lubrication in the joints Increase joint stability None Aerobic Conditioning - Long Term Effects. Select two (2) answers Stimulate the joints to reduce stiffness Increase lubrication in the joints Ease joint stiffness Stimulate lubrication in the joints Increase joint stability None Satisfactory Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Not SatisfactorySee Answer
  • Q7:Question 51-60 Question 51. Identify the short-term and long-term effects that each type of exercise has on the neuromuscular system Aerobic Conditioning - Short Term Effects Select two (2) answers increase oxygen output to the muscles Increase energy output for the body Increase contractions of the muscles in reaction to stimuli Promote muscle flexibility Promote faster brain activity None Aerobic Conditioning-Long Term Effects" Select two (2) answers Increase energy output for the body Increase oxygen output to the muscles increase number of mitochondria that generate energy increase contractions of the muscles in reaction to stimuli Increase rate of force development (how fast the muscles generate force during exercise) None Strength Training - Short Term Effects" Select two (2) answers Increase oxygen output to the muscles Increase energy output for the body Increase contractions of the muscles in reaction to stimuli Promote muscle flexibility Promote faster brain activity Satisfactory None Sefactory Not Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Not SatisfactorySee Answer
  • Q8:Question 57.* Which of the following statements is correct in respect to lever systems in the human body? When undertaking resistance training, client with short levers have a disadvantage over those with longer levers. (select) Levers with mechanical disadvantage are more suited to endurance-based activities When undertaking resistance training, client with short levers have an advantage over those with longer levers. When undertaking resistance training, client with short levers have a disadvantage over those with longer levers. Levers with a mechanical advantage are less suited to power/strength style trainingSee Answer
  • Q9:Welcome to the Testing the Nervous System Assignment. This assignment will cover the brain and spinal cord. For this assignment, you will investigate a case and answer the corresponding questions. Remember to view the assignment rubric (see below) before completing the assignment. Assignment Instructions: Read the Testing the Nervous System case study. Answer each question and create a report for the case study. Which of the test results indicated a brain injury and why? Which of the test results indicated a spinal cord injury and why? Are there any cranial nerves involved? Describe which cranial nerves could be involved. Explain why the reflexes were hyperactive and the presence of the Babinski reflex. Your report must be a minimum of 300 words. All answers should be in your own words and typed neatly using appropriate grammar, spelling, punctuation, and APA style. Include APA citations when necessary. Must be submitted as a Word file.See Answer
  • Q10:Case Study Questions Describe the function of the hormones of the thyroid gland. Describe the feedback system for regulating thyroid hormones. How does this relate to Ashley's thyroid hormone levels? Describe the signs and symptoms of Grave's disease. Describe treatments for Grave's disease. Include descriptions of the treatment and mechanisms of actions of any medications.See Answer
  • Q11:Introduction This assignment will cover components of the urinary and digestive systems. You will investigate a diuretic and how food is broken down and digested. Remember to view the assignment rubric (see below) before completing the assignment. Assignment Instructions Part 1 Choose one diuretic. Provide a description of how the diuretic works, and then more specifically how it works on the nephron. Include the part of the nephron that is affected as well as the mechanism of action (i.e. what does it do to the nephron to affect fluid volume?). Include side effects of the diuretic. Part 2 Provide a description of how the digestive system digests pizza with cheese, pepperoni, and onions. Break the food down into carbohydrates, fats, and proteins and follow the food through the digestive tract. Include the phases of digestion (cephalic, gastric, intestinal) along with the enzymes secreted at various portions of the alimentary canal. Your assignment must include the following: Your report must be a minimum of 300 words. All answers should be in your own words and typed neatly using appropriate grammar, spelling, punctuation, and APA style. Include APA citations when necessary. Notes Do not include/rewrite the questions in the assignment. Your submission must have a Turnitin similarity score of less than 20%. Remember you have 3 submissions before the due date to check your score. Submissions greater than 20% will risk earning no points with no redo option and you may be reported to Administration for academic discipline.See Answer
  • Q12:Question 1 Our skeleton accounts of around 15% of our total body mass, skeletal muscle and other connective tissues up to 40%. a) Analyse the overall structure and function of the different parts of the skeletal system, using diagrams to aid your analysis if you wish./nb) Describe and explain the 5 types of bones, using diagrams to aid you if you wish. Make sure that you explain the purpose of each bone type and give an example of where they are found./nc) Bones for joints to allow different ranges of movement. Complete the table below by: - Fixed Type of joint Pivot i. ii. Hinge Explaining the range of movement possible at each type of joint. Giving an example of the type of joint in the body. Ball and socket Range of movement Example of type of joint in the body/nd) Joints are held together by connective tissue including cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. Describe and explain the functions of each of these connective tissues within a joint. Cartilage Ligaments TendonsSee Answer
  • Q13:(a) Explain the class of lever system in use when the performer moves from standing onto her toes. Explain why this gives the athlete mechanical advantage. You may use diagrams to aid your explanation if you wish./n(b) Explain two different examples of levers in a sporting situation of your choice. These must be different classes of levers to the lever system explained in part (a). You may use diagrams to aid your explanation if you wish.See Answer
  • Q14:Complete the table below by: a) Identifying the muscles labelled A, B and C in the image above./nA B C b) Outline the role of each muscle. a) Muscle b) Role of Muscle/nc) Explain the structure of striated (skeletal muscle) and compare the muscle structure in areas of the body that move frequently to those that move less frequently./nd) Use the sliding muscle filament theory to explain the molecular mechanisms behind muscle contraction in these types of muscles. You may use diagrams to help you if you wish./ne) Other than skeletal muscles, there are two other types of muscles in your body. Outline these muscle types, their structure, and their function.See Answer
  • Q15:The above X-ray image shows a gymnast. Many gymnasts begin training at a very young age and this can impact bone development in both positive and negative ways. a) Explain how bones grow and develop and suggest how training as a gymnast can affect bones whilst physically training and living on a calorie restricted diet. You may use diagrams to help you if you wish./nb) Gymnasts can, from time to time, injure bones. Explain how bones repair when fractured. You may use diagrams to help you if you wish./nc) Wear and tear on bones and joints are common in high intensity and repetitive sports training. As athletes grow older, or possibly become ill, this becomes a bigger problem. Explain the effects of old age and disease on movement.See Answer
  • Q16:Description Post All Final Case Studies Here! ⚫ Be sure to submit your case study in the Case Study Report document provided. ⚫ The final case study must be legible and neat. Case Study Report Rubric Surgical Case Study Terms & Descriptions CST 298 Final: Case Study procedural list:(Please choose ONE) Carotid Endarterectomy- https://youtu.be/Oa8XV27KNAY?si=F3rJtEkJpY5hjc1a Coronary artery bypass graft- https://youtu.be/2aoqdDk-w-A?si=WNe8nBJafhKq_e5s Double lung transplant- https://youtu.be/vOUZIZ91-Ko?si=xpy6WXQWV0iqEf12 Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) repair- https://youtu.be/qnfFuYFS8ds?si=wpzgJKCEoeUxPaFu Lung Decortication- https://youtu.be/nzt5WD62e78?si=W30 7KP1tZE0lJm- Please remember to answer each question and pay special attention to question #20. Utilize your textbook and pocket guide to navigate the questions. The links associated with the above-listed procedures are for visual aid. Do NOT use the videos to answer the questions unless you wish to include or have fun with specific patient information (ie. allergies, sex, age, outcome, etc.). Submit by the listed due date. There will be NO opportunities to make-up the Final, as you are being given ample time. Please manage your time responsibly. Best of luck to you all!/n Swedish Institute College of Health Sciences Instructions for Completing the Surgical Procedure Case Study General Instructions 1. For each new case, the student is required to turn in a completed Surgical Procedure Case Study homework assignment as part of their weekly journal. 2. The assignment is due at the weekly externship meeting. They will be turned into the instructor in class. NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED! 3. Each assignment must be different; a procedure previously turned in cannot be used to complete the assignment. 4. By the end of the quarter, the student will have turned in weekly, all required Surgical Procedure Case Study assignments. Specific Directions for Completing Weekly Surgical Case Study Assignments 1. This is a report that concerns itself with the case as performed. The required information is in the general style of a surgeon's post-operative report. 2. The following sources are allowed for use to complete the report: doctor's preference card, recalled events, the preceptor for the case and other department's (such as PACU) staff. 3. This is not a research report in which textbooks are consulted for information. mentioned above, this is based on recall and memory. 4. When writing about relevant anatomy, make sure important information pertaining to nerve, vascular, and muscular structures is included. 5. Give a detailed description of the boundaries for the prep; such as nipple line to pubis, lateral bedside to bedside. As 6. Make sure suture sequence and instrumentation are included in question 20 (list the procedural steps). Recount the steps of the procedure from recall, not textbook description. Focus mainly on the intraoperative phase of the case. 7. What is the purpose of the surgery - palliative such as to only relieve symptoms caused by cancerous tumor, corrective such as hernia repair, remove something, etc? 8. One Thing I Learned...DO NOT write something similar to the following examples: I learned that you have to be prepared ahead of time; I learned how the procedure was performed; I learned how irritable surgeons can get; etc. What is required is something that you actually learned from doing the procedure, such as learning how to assemble and operate a new piece of equipment or instrument, and state the name of the item; a way of using an instrument that was not originally intended; "trick of the trade" learned from the preceptor, etc. 9. Sign and date the Case Log Form. 10. Add the original Case Log Form to your Weekly Journal. 66 99 Swedish Institute College of Health Sciences SURGICAL PROCEDURE CASE STUDY Date: Student: Case/ Surgeon: Clinical Site: 1. Procedure Name: 2. Definition of Procedure: 3. What was the purpose of the procedure: 4. What was the expected outcome of the procedure? 5. What was your role during this procedure? 6. Patient's age: 7. Patient's gender: 8. Additional pertinent patient information: 9. Discuss the relevant anatomy: . 10. List the general and specific instruments that were needed for the procedure: 11. List the basic and specific supplies that were needed for the procedure: 67 12. List the pharmaceuticals used during the procedure: 13. What type of anesthesia was used? 14. Patient position during the procedure: 15. What equipment was necessary for positioning? 16. What type of skin preparation was used? 17. Define the anatomic perimeter of the prep?. 18. List the order in which the drapes were applied:. 19. List any practical considerations that were taken Why? 20. List the intraoperative procedural steps - describe the preparatory and supportive actions you had to take during those steps: 68 80 21. What are possible complications that may have occurred during the procedure? 22. What is the most valuable information you obtained from scrubbing this surgical procedure? 23. Comments or questions: Student's Signature Date Clinical Instructor/ Clinical Coordinator/ PD DateSee Answer
  • Q17:Objective: The purpose of this lab is for you to learn about some highlights in the fossil record and to see up dose casts of various fossil hominines, compare and contrast several morphological features, and begin the process of learning to distinguish the various forms from one another (Remember: a hominine is any human or fossil human ancestor). THE FOSSIL RECORD I OLIGOCENE PRE-HOMININES One Oligocene fossil stands out as significant to understanding the evolution of modern primates including humans. The Aegyptopithecus sp. (also known as the Dawn Ape) lived about 35 mya and was the largest of the Anthropoids in the Fayum deposits (Egypt), weighing 13 to 18 pounds. Its skull was similar to modern monkeys and had considerable sexual dimorphism. For our purposes it's most significant trait is that it has 1 the "2-1-2-3" dental formula shared by Old World anthropoids including humans. Although its brain size is relatively small, it is considered the best candidate to have given rise to Old World monkeys, apes and humans./nMIOCENE, PLIOCENE, AND PEISTOCENE HOMININES The earliest fossils that show clear evidence of an early hominine (hominid-like) creature are of Sahelanthropus tchadensis and Orrorin tugenensis, both around 6 million years ago at the end of the Miocene Epoch. Sahelanthropus sp. is represented by 3 isolated teeth, 2 jaw fragments and a nearly complete cranium. Orrorin sp. is represented by 2 jaw fragments, 6 isolated teeth, femoral pieces, partial humerus, hand phalanx but no reasonable complete cranial fragments. The femoral head of Orrorin sp. indicates bipedalism, but it is an equally good candidate for intermediary from between gorillas, chimps and australopithecines. The other significant fossil genus from this time period is Ardipithecus sp. There are two Ardipithicines (one 5.8-5.6 mya, one 4.4 mya) that have been named by Tim White, but the fossil material for both species is extremely thin. The best evidence is for Ardipithecus ramidus dating to 4.4 mya. According to White there are up to 50 individuals recovered from Aramis in Ethiopia, including many postcranial elements, but do date this information has not been published.See Answer
  • Q18: Word Surgery: Neuro Pathology Quiz For this quiz, read the medical word. Break the medical word into its word parts(prefixes/suffixes) and give the meaning of each word part. Then give the definition of the medical word. 1. antiepileptic Suffix and its meaning: Prefix and its meaning: Combining form and its meaning: Medical word definition: 2. aphasia Suffix and its meaning: Prefix and its meaning: Combining form and its meaning: Medical word definition: 3. cerebrovascular Suffix and its meaning: Prefix and its meaning: Combining form and its meaning: Combining form and its meaning: Medical word definition: 4. dementia Suffix and its meaning: Prefix and its meaning: Combining form and its meaning: Medical word definition: 5. neuralgia Suffix and its meaning: Prefix and its meaning: Combining form and its meaning: Medical word definition: 6. meningitis Suffix and its meaning: Prefix and its meaning: Combining form and its meaning: Medical word definition: 7. electroencephalography Suffix and its meaning: Prefix and its meaning: Combining form and its meaning: Combining form and its meaning: Medical word definition: 8. hemiplegic Suffix and its meaning: Prefix and its meaning: Combining form and its meaning: Medical word definition: 9. craniosynostosis Suffix and its meaning: Prefix and its meaning: Combining form and its meaning: Combining form and its meaning: Medical word definition: 10. hypoglossal Suffix and its meaning: Prefix and its meaning: Combining form and its meaning: Medical word definition:See Answer
  • Q19: EGRB 209 Homework #3 1. Muscle Force (6 points) a. What are the three ways that the body varies muscle force? b. Which method has the biggest effect and which has the least? 2. Active Tension in Muscles (10 points) a. What is active tension? b. How does it vary with length of the muscle? Include details on how the microstructure of the muscle cell contributes to active tension. 3. Consider muscle fibers that are 16 cm long and that develop a maximum of 20 N/cm² force. The muscle has a volume of 140 cm³ with the fibers aligned in the direction of the tendon. (hint: muscle force = Σ= N¿A¿F¸, where N = innervation ratio, A =cross-sectional area per muscle fiber, and Fs = force per unit area of muscle fibers) (12 points) a. What is the maximum force developed by this muscle? b. partial recruitment results in activation of 20% of the muscle fibers (assuming they are all of equal size), how much force could the muscle generate? c. If the muscle fibers contract 15% of their length in 70 ms under no load, what is the maximum muscle velocity? 4. Muscular Force Generation (15 points) a. Describe the Cross-bridge cycle. b. How many ATP are used per cycle? c. How does Calcium effect/control the cross-bridge cycle? 5. Synapse A on a motor neuron has an EPSP with a peak depolarization of 3 mV. Synapse B has an EPSP with a peak depolarization of 2 mV. Synapse C results in an IPSP with a peak hyperpolarization of 2.5 mV. The resting potential of the nerve is -70mV, assume threshold is -59 mV. (12 points) a. Simultaneous firing of A and B results in what peak potential? What is this phenomenon called? Is this enough to reach threshold? b. Simultaneous firing of B and C results in what peak potential? What is this phenomenon called? Is this enough to reach threshold? c. What is the peak potential of simultaneous firing of 6 A, 10 B, and 8 C synapses? Is this enough to reach threshold? 6. Neuromuscular Junctions (10 points) a. How is an action potential on a neuron transferred to an action potential on a Muscle? b. What is Excitation-Contraction Coupling? 7. Valeria is a well-trained endurance athlete, and she is currently training for her next marathon. She needs to run 15 miles in one day as part of her training routine but she doesn't have the time to do all 15 at once and her schedule is packed that day with back to back meetings all day. She decides to split her run up and goes out for a 5 mile morning jog at an elevated pace (6 min/mile), which ultimately requires 2.5 mol of ATP per minute. 12 hours later Valeria runs the remaining 10 miles. She attempts to run slower than her average pace at 8 min/mile, but she cannot maintain and she drops to an 11 min/mile in the last 2 miles. This run ultimately consumes an average of 1.5 mol of ATP per minute. (10 points) a. How much ATP did Valeria use during her runs? b. If Valeria's muscles are capable of consuming 220 mols of ATP in one run, what are some reasons why Valeria experience fatigue toward the end of her evening run? 8. Lactic acid production is increased when the demand for ATP outpaces oxidative phosphorylation and intensity of exercise increases. Describe three ways lactic acid can be recycled? (9 points) 9. Complete the following table comparing Fast-twitch vs Slow-twitch muscle fibers (16 points) General size of fiber (small or large) Speed of Cross-bridge cycle Type of Metabolism (glycolic vs oxidative) Relative amount of Mitochondria Example of exercise that uses each fiber Which fiber would consume more ATP per min, assuming both are active? Which fiber has a slower velocity? Which fiber has more power? Slow Twitch Fibers Fast Twitch FibersSee Answer
  • Q20:'The aetiology of overuse injury is very complex. Repetitive loading and repeatedly adopting the same postural positions may be a causal factor.' For this assignment you are required to address the statement above by the development of a written report regarding the aetiology of a specific overuse injury including discussion and analysis of the statement given below. Use only ONE particular sport or exercise regimen and ONE particular overuse injury. Use literature to support your discussion/argument. Include biomechanical factors and at least one other factor e.g. physiological and/or psychological. Specific criteria Written report should be no more than 2400 words. The language is formal. Type face and line spacing: A4 paper, 12 font, Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing, Number all pages, bottom centre of page. References should be given at the end of the written report. Harvard system of referencing is required. Additional information is provided on Blackboard to assist you in the development of this assignment.See Answer

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