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Recently Asked multimedia technology Questions

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  • Q1:Question 1 An audio sound system from HUAWEI has spatial audio feature to give surrounding sound effect. Assuming there is an audio input signal with fundamental frequency of 8 KHz and fifth harmonics with signal strength of 1 volt and 0.5 volts respectively. It passes through the anti- aliasing filter before it goes through the 10 bits 2's complement ADC of the system to process the audio signal fidelity. It is being processed by the system before passes through an audio amplifier that has a volume gain of 2 but it also produces additional 2nd and 4th harmonics at 0.05 V and 0.025 V at the output respectively. (a) (b) (c) (d) Execute the calculation of anti-aliasing filter sampling frequency and its bandwidth. Hence, plot the ideal bandwidth spectrum of the filter. (5 marks) Analyse the ADC quantization level that is required to cover the full voltage swing of 5 V peak-to-peak of the audio input signal. Hence, obtain its quantization error range with the rounding rule being used in the ADC conversion. (6 marks) Analyse the ADC binary representation for an instantaneous audio input signal of -2.2 V. (8 marks) Describe the audio performance through the calculation of the total harmonic distortion (THD) at the output of the amplifier in percentage. Hence, plot the amplitude spectrum of the output of the amplifier. (6 marks)See Answer
  • Q2:MTD205 Question 2 (a) Given that a Macbook Pro laptop is receiving a music stream and passes this music to an audio multiplicative mixer apple software inside the system. This music has three signal components with frequency at Middle C note and its third and fifth harmonics with amplitude of 3 volts, 2 volts, and 1 volt peaks respectively. (1) (b) (ii) Tutor-Marked Assignment (ii) Obtain the Middle C Note frequency and its respective harmonic of the music stream where p = 60. Hence, describe the frequency spectrum for the music stream. Hint: p = 69 + 12 log₂ (1) Hz 440 (4 marks) The music stream passes through the multiplicative mixer apple software. It produces various beat frequencies among each other. Explain the mixing process by calculating the mixed and beat frequencies. (8 marks) (iii) Analyse through plotting the amplitude spectrum of the output of the multiplicative mixer in Question 2(a)(ii). Clearly indicate the beat frequencies in the plot. (4 marks) Given that amplitude modulation (AM) technology is being used to broadcast the audio music stream via Wi-Fi technology. The audio modulating signal is given as b(t) = 1+8 cos(2nft) V where f is the fifth harmonics frequency in the music stream in Question 2a (1). The carrier is given as p(t) = 5 cos(10000000000zt) V. (1) Derive and analyse through plotting the frequency spectrum of the modulated signal. (6 marks) Determine the receiver carrier frequency used and determine the bandwidth of the recovering filter to recover the modulating signal. (3 marks)See Answer
  • Q3:Question 3 Discuss with drawing on how the mechanism of the human ear protects the ear from loud sound. (5 marks) The DVD sampling rate is 176.4 kHz, and 20 bits coding are employed to record 500 minutes of two channel stereo uncompressed musical song where each song is 5 minutes duration with interval of 10 seconds separation. Execute the calculation to analyse the number of DVD required to store the songs, assuming a DVD size is 4.7 GB. (5 marks) (b) SINGAPORE UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES (SUSS) MTD205 (i) MIDI protocol is used to demonstrate the application of audio technology in multimedia. A set of MIDI subroutines is being attached below. They can be used in a C-language program to control MIDI device. The subroutine parameters can be specified in the MIDI specification in Appendix I and all parameter values must be in hexadecimal format. Please use the subroutines to do the following operations. (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Page 3 of midi_note(pitch,channel,velocity) midi_cmd(message_type dataBytel dataByte2) pause (delay Time) [in milliseconds] System Active Sensing Tutor-Marked Assignment (3 marks) System Start and select song number 20 at starting point at a count of 500 (3 marks) Channel 12 plays Middle C note for 5000 ms at middle volume and then maximum volume. (3 marks) Channel 15 plays note at 880 Hz for 7000 ms at middle volume and then quarter volume by following the formula to obtain pitch value which is given as P = 69 + 12log (f/440). (3 marks) Channel 14 plays note at 440 Hz for 8200 ms at middle loudness and then total silent by following the formula to obtain pitch value which is given as P =69 + 12log (f/440). (3 marks)See Answer
  • Q4:Question 4 Analyse the power difference (PD) reduction in dB at the receiver for two audio signals that have travelled 20 m and 30 m respectively. Assume uniform media transmission. Explain the power at the receiver when both direct and reflected audio signal are totally in phase with each other and equal in strength. Suggest one application that make use of this phenomena. (b) SINGAPORE UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES (SUSS) MTD205 (3 marks) (c) (9 marks) Assuming an audio sound source is transmitting audio signal at 30 degrees at the right with respect to the centre of a human, obtain its Inter-aural delay (ITD) of audio sound. Assuming the distance between two ears is 35 cm. Hence, analyse the perception capability of the human ear with the calculated ITD. Assume the speed of sound wave in air is 330 m/s. (7 marks) Page 45 Tutor-Marked Assignment To create sound echoes, reverberation filter is used to produce various reflection sound. Its output response is given as y(n) = x(n − 1) − g * y(n − 3) where x(n) is the input power level sequence of (10, 11, 9, 7, -1, -2,-8...0) and g is the coefficient that determines the decay level of reverberation with a value of 2. Draw the Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filter implementation of the above filter and determine the output at 8 seconds. Assume input and output remains 0 when n = 0 and n is an integer. (9 marks)See Answer
  • Q5:TASK INSTRUCTIONS: For this assignment, please find articles/videos/readings, preferably some that have been published in the last 60 days, that discuss Wearables, AR, VR, and/or MR. Use these articles to write a 1.5 or greater page summary of the material that you found and how you think it impacts at least three the following topical areas: Society - Positive/Negative What the future might look like what is the potential for the technology. What the past looked like where have we been How the technology is applied Implications on privacy Implications on government regulation Please divide your discussion into three sub-sections using Headers. Word document (.docx or .rtf) 1.5 pages = Times New Roman (or another font other than Comic Sans and heavily stylized fonts) 12pt maximum 1" margins around, double-spaced. Your text should begin at line 1. References must be present, but do not count in the 1.5 pages of content. (roughly 600 words) Make sure to cite in-text and include a works-cited page. APA 7th Edition double spaceSee Answer
  • Q6: Research Question: My research plans to examine the effect of social media usage on mental health among youths. Sources Sources Anticipated: 1. Scholarly journals and articles: I intend to dig into mental and sociological studies investigating the connection between social media usage and emotional wellness results in young populations. These sources will give observational proof and hypothetical structures to to support my research hypothesis. 2. Surveys and quantitative data: Utilizing surveys and quantitative data from respectable sources, for example, government offices or research institutes, I expect to assemble factual proof regarding the prevalence of social media usage among youth and its relationship with emotional well-being issues like anxiety and depression. 3. Qualitative interviews and case studies: Consolidating qualitative research methods, I hope to conduct interviews or analyze case studies of adolescents to gain insights into their experiences with social media and its impact on their mental well-being. This approach will give a nuanced comprehension of individual viewpoints and standards of conduct. 4. Books and expert opinions: Drawing from scholarly books and expert opinions in psychology, sociology, and communication studies, I aim to contextualize my research within broader theoretical frameworks and historical perspectives. These sources will help with building a far- reaching writing survey and hypothetical structure for my review. Research Approach: As well as combining existing writing, I think about directing my own research through reviews or center gatherings with youths. This primary research will permit me to accumulate firsthand information via social media usage habits, perceptions, and mental health outcomes, thereby supplementing the existing body of knowledge with fresh insights and perspectives. Inquiries for Explanation: 1. How do various sorts of social media platforms (e.g., Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok) exceptionally impact juvenile emotional well-being? 2. What role do factors such as peer influence, cyberbullying, and online validation play in mediating the relationship between social media usage and mental health outcomes? 3. Are there any demographic or individual differences (e.g., gender, socioeconomic status) that moderate the impact of social media on adolescent mental health? 4. How do social standards and cultural assumptions shape young people's commitment with web-based entertainment and its impacts on their mental prosperity? 5. What intercessions or methodologies can be created to moderate the adverse consequences of social media on juvenile psychological well-being while at the same time outfitting its possible advantages for social support and self-expression?See Answer

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