
summary writing homework help

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Recently Asked summary writing Questions

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  • Q1:Assignment: Using multiple sources, students will explore the issue of diversity and inclusion in the yoga world in a 3-5 page paper. After acknowledging those who have broken down barriers to inclusion, they will then recognize and come up with methods/adaptations and venues to make this beneficial practice more accessible/inclusive.See Answer
  • Q2:Need to Write a summary of 25-50 words on an Article Published within the last 18 months. The Article should be focused on effective professional communication.See Answer
  • Q3: Need an Introductory research Topic - Against testing vaccines or drugs on animalsSee Answer
  • Q4: 2. What are the national and international OEL/PEL/TLV standards hyperbolic conditions? You should compare, assess and criticize the available hyperbaric occupational exposure standards (including legislation, codes and guidelines) from countries such as the UK / EU, USA / Canada, Australia and Singapore.See Answer
  • Q5: 1. What are your recommendations (with rationale) for the hyperbaric PEL(Long Term) values for exposures to the following airborne contaminants at 2atm absolute. Assume 8 hr per day of exposure at 25°C. Your answers can be in ppm, mg/m³', mbar or µbar. a) Carbon dioxide (CO2, PEL (Long Term)5,000 ppm or 9,000 mg/m³at STP :1 atm absolute, 25°C) Carbon monoxide (CO, PEL (Long Term) = 25 ppm or 29 mg/m³atSTP :1 atm absolute, 25°C) c) Quartz, respirable dust (PEL (Long Term) = 0.1 mg/m³ at STP : 1 atm absolute, 25°C) d) Welding fumes (PEL (Long Term) = 5 mg/m³ at STP : 1 atm absolute,25°C)See Answer
  • Q6: Think of a routine task (studying, exam preparation, downtime, grocery shopping, foodpreparation, etc.) in your life that you may have never questioned. How can this routine beimproved? How would this benefit you?See Answer
  • Q7: acrylic and sold inWrite an argument by analogy with the premise 'Citadel Paints aresmall plastic containers'.See Answer
  • Q8: 2.write an analysis of the use of an opinion poll described below. In your analysis, explain whether you think the poll provides support for the conclusion they have reached. You must give reasons for any claims you make. I interviewed 100 people at the pet store. I asked them to respond either 'Yes' or 'No' to the question "To what extent do you agree that owning a pet is the best way to improve your happiness?' When I looked at the results, 70 of them had responded either 'Strongly agree','Agree', or 'Maybe', so it's clear that owning a pet definitely is the best way to improve your happiness.See Answer
  • Q9: Write an argument by analogy with the conclusion 'In 2022 there will probably be anincrease in unemployment levels'.See Answer
  • Q10: 3. Using the method outline in the required reading, write an evaluation of the followingstatistical syllogism. The majority of working musicians don't make an above-average income for their country of origin from their work. Celine Dion is a musician from Canada, so her income from her work will be below the average for that country.See Answer
  • Q11: Use the truth table method to evaluate the following statements/sets of state-ments. For each, say whether the statement/set is consistent, inconsistent,Contingent, a tautology, or a contradiction. (10 pts each) \text { 11. } p \vee q ; \neg p 12(n \wedge q) \vee r ; \neg q \wedge \neg r \text { 13. } \neg p \wedge \neg q ; p \Longleftrightarrow q \text { 14. }((p \Longrightarrow q) \wedge(q \Longrightarrow r)) \Longrightarrow(p \Longrightarrow r)See Answer
  • Q12: Write ca. 1 page [A4, 1,5 line spacing, Times New Roman, 12 pt.]). Read the quote and answer both of the questions in an essay format. Critchley cites Cioran's conviction "Without suicide, no salvation" (p. 72). 1. What does this mean? 2. Do you think such an assertion is justified?See Answer
  • Q13:Topic: cleaning houses Write a narrative account of a typical day at the worst job you ever had. Write a thesis statement that focuses on why the work you performed was not valued as much as it should have been. Keep in mind that a narrative essay must build to a larger point, so be sure to situate your personal experiences within a larger context.See Answer
  • Q14:Your Task: Write a three-paragraph response to the article below that follows this structure: Paragraph 1: Introduce the article and its main idea and give a brief summary of the content of the article. (2.5/15) Paragraph 2: Analyze the article for purpose, tone, bias, use of evidence, and subjectivity (10/15) Paragraph 3: Give an overall rating of reliability of this article. Use the information from your previous paragraphs to support your assessment (2.5/15)See Answer
  • Q15:Your Task: Write a three-paragraph response to the article below that follows this structure: Paragraph 1: Introduce the article and its main idea and give a brief summary of the content of the article. (2.5/15) Paragraph 2: Analyze the article for purpose, tone, bias, use of evidence, and subjectivity (10/15) Paragraph 3: Give an overall rating of reliability of this article. Use the information from your previous paragraphs to support your assessment (2.5/15)See Answer
  • Q16:*Please explain for the class what you regard as the major principles of effective intelligence reform: how should we determine when reform is necessary; how significant or radical that reform needs to be; and how best to implement such reforms as are necessary?See Answer
  • Q17:1) With what other classic buildings did Sullivan compare the American skyscraper as a type of building "made necessary by progress" with a design that "reflects its particular purpose."See Answer
  • Q18:2) Sullivan's theories about American architecture inspired which famous architect who worked in his studios as a young man?See Answer
  • Q19:3) What became the foundation of his work and philosophy. as an architect?See Answer
  • Q20:4) What material did Sullivan use to fireproof his building structures?See Answer

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