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  • Q1:4.11 Steam enters a one-inlet, two-exit control volume at location (1) at 360°C, 100 bar, with a mass flow rate of 2 kg/s. The inlet pipe is round with a diameter of 5.2 cm. Fifteen percent of the flow leaves through location (2) and the remainder leaves at (3). For steady-state operation, determine the inlet velocity, in m/s, and the mass flow rate at each exit, in kg/s.See Answer
  • Q2: Liquid acetic acid is being cooled in a heat exchanger from 105°C to 40°C by water flowing through a bundle of 50 tubes. The water enters the tubes at 20°C with a total flow rate of 8.75 kg s1 and leaves at 45°C. Using the data and appropriate equations from TABLE Q4, you are required to calculate the following: а)The acetic acid volumetric flow rate. (b)The log mean temperature difference if the fluids are in counter-current flow. (c)The film heat transfer coefficient inside the tubes if they have 20 mm inside diameter. (d)The length of the tubes if the overall heat transfer coefficient isW 2K1, assuming the tubes are thin-walled. See Answer
  • Q3: 4. A steam plant operates on a thermodynamic cycle based on two isobaric processes and two isentropic processes. Pure water enters the plant at a rate of 10 kg s1 at80 bar and the saturation temperature. It is isobarically heated to 550 °C and then isentropically expanded through a turbine to 0.5 bar. It is then cooled to the same entropy as the inlet water before being compressed back to the inlet conditions.Calculate the following by using a steam table. (a) The steam state and properties after each process; (b) the heat transfer rates; (c) the network transferred; (d) the process thermal efficiency. (e) Calculate the possible thermodynamic efficiency of such a power generation cycle with the furnace operation condition fixed. Comment on the efficiency and practicality of the power generation cycle.See Answer
  • Q4: (a)State the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Use one example for each law to describe how they are applied in engineering practices. (b)A given amount of ideal gas is expanded from volume VA to VB as shown below in Figure Q 2. Use the characteristics of state functions to design a reversible path and prove that the process is irreversible. (c)Carbon dioxide gas (CO2) enters an adiabatic compressor at 0.2 MPa and300 K with a mass flow rate of 1000 m3 h-1 and leaves at 1.0 MPa.Neglecting kinetic energy changes and treating CO2 as an ideal gas,determine: (i)the work input through the compressor; (ii) the power consumption of the compressor if it works at an efficiency of 75%.See Answer
  • Q5: For the binary mixture of Liquid 1 and Liquid 2, the constants are given in TableQ1 for the Antoine equation, Eq. Q1, where all pressures are in kPa and all temperatures in °C. \ln P^{0}=A-\frac{B}{T+C} \quad \text { Eq. } Q 1 ) Calculate the boiling temperatures of the pure liquids 1 and 2 at101.32 kPa. (i) State the equation for the total pressure of an ideal binary system (ii) write down the expression for the partial pressure of a compound and (iii) write the expression for the mole fraction of the compound in the gasphase. (c)(i) Use Gibb's phase law to analyse the degrees of freedom of a given binary system and name a set of independent variables to specify the system. (d) Calculate the liquid mole fractions, x1, for compound 1 at temperatures of40, 60, 80, 100°C and at the operation pressure of 303.96 kPa. (e) Calculate the corresponding mole fractions of component 1, y1, to the x1 in(d). (f)Sketch the vapour liquid equilibrium phase diagram from your results.See Answer
  • Q6: (a) Explain the concepts of fugacity and fugacity coefficient and where and how these are used in problem solving. (b) For a pure gas compound, its fugacity coefficient can be calculated by the following equation: \ln \phi_{i}=\int_{0}^{P}\left(Z_{i}-1\right) \frac{d P}{P} \quad \text { Eq. } \mathbf{Q} 3 (1) Derive this equation through the concept of chemical potential. (ii) Calculate the fugacity of propane at 200°C and 10 MPa using Eq. Q3and the generalised compressibility Chart in Figure Q3. See Answer
  • Q7: 3. Nitrogen and hydrogen react to form ammonia. \mathrm{N}_{2}+3 \mathrm{H}_{2} \rightarrow 2 \mathrm{NH}_{3} This reaction provides the basis for most of synthetic fertilizers and is catalyzed by Fe or Ru catalysts A. Calculate the Gibbs Free Energy of the reaction at 298 K (3 pts). B. Calculate the enthalpy of the reaction at 298 K (3 pts) C. Nitrogen (100 mol/h) and hydrogen (300 mol/h) are fed into a gas-phase flow reactor maintained at 20 bar and 773 K. Calculate the Gibbs Free Energy of reaction at that temperature. You may assume the enthalpy of the reaction is constant. (6pts) D. Calculate the equilibrium constant of the reaction at 773 K (3 pts) E. Calculate the extent of reaction at equilibrium (7 pts). You may assume that the gas phase is ideal. F. How would you calculate the extent of reaction if the gas phase were not ideal? (4pts) G. The equilibrium extent of reaction will be highest at (2 pts): i. High temperature, high pressure ii. Low temperature, high pressure iii. High temperature, low pressure iv. Low temperature, low pressure H. Explain (3 pts) Why does the industry not run the reaction at the conditions you chose above? (3pts)I.See Answer
  • Q8: Question 2 (30%). The mono-pressure nitric acid process is given its name because it maintains a high pressure from the reactor (where it is 1 MPa) through the whole process (less equipment pressure drops) until it reaches the expander where it is expanded to 1.2 bar. This expander is very important as it produces most of the power used to drive the air compressor. If this turbine was not used the power consumption of the plant would be about 3 times higher! Obviously this would make a massive difference to the economics and carbon footprint of the process. If the is returned to the inlet of the turbine at 600 °C and 0.9 MPa at a flow of 630 mol/sgas(assumed to be only nitrogen), what is the maximum work possible from this turbine? Please use the heat capacity data attached and be very clear about calculations done numerically. See Answer
  • Q9: Question 1 (35%). Below is a flow diagram of a mono-pressure nitric acid plant. This is a very common type of nitric acid plant throughout the world. A key part of the process if the oxidation of ammonia to nitrous oxide in the NH3 converter: \mathrm{NH}_{3}(\mathrm{~g})+1.25 \mathrm{O}_{2}(\mathrm{~g}) \rightarrow \mathrm{NO}(\mathrm{g})+1.5 \mathrm{H}_{2} \mathrm{O}(\mathrm{g}) How much heat needs to be removed from the NH3 converter if the exit temperature is 900 °C?The inlet can be considered to consist of air (79% nitrogen and 21% oxygen) and ammonia only and the only significant reaction is the one above. The air to ammonia molar ratio is 8:1, the feed temperature to the reactor is at 300 °C, the ammonia flow is 100 mol/s, and the conversion of ammonia is complete. Use the data attached and perform any integrations numerically.However be clear about what you integrate and give the results of each integration. Include your m-files (or similar).See Answer
  • Q10: 3. Humid air at 30°C and 80% relative humidity is cooled to 15°C in an air conditioning unit.In inlet flow rate of the dry air is 5 kg/min. How much heat is removed from the air? What is the mass flow rate of the liquid leaving the AC unit?See Answer
  • Q11: As you already know, the units of -r, are always in terms of concentration per unit a me (mol/m/s), and the units for k will vary with the order of the reaction. So, a) write the power law for a 0th, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd overall reaction order and b) the units for k for each order (A products)See Answer
  • Q12: Liquid toluene with a temperature of 25°C flows into a flash vaporization unit at a rate of0.5 kg/min. A vapor stream at 150°C flows out at the same rate. How much heat (in Watts) must be supplied to the vaporization unit?See Answer
  • Q13: The irreversible hydrogenation of ethylene to produce ethane takes place in a PBR over a Ni/support catalyst at 400 K. Treat this second order reaction as elementary (although in real life it is not). The rate constant at 400K is k = 0.2 L(mol-sec-Kg.cat). a) If a stream containing equimolar amounts of ethylene and ethane enters the PBR at 400 K and5 atm, with a total volumetric flow of 8 L/sec, apply the algorithm to determine what mass of catalyst is required for a conversion of 70%? (Ignore pressure drop).See Answer
  • Q14: A gaseous stream of ethanol (6 mol/h), hydrogen (1 mol/h) is introduced into a plug flow reactor. In the reactor, the ethanol reacts to form acetaldehyde and hydrogen. The reaction proceeds to equilibrium. 1. Write out the reaction with formulas. 2. Calculate the Ago at 298 K. Use data from the appendix. 3.Calculate the Ah° at 298 K. 4. Calculate the K at 298 K. 5. Calculate the { at 298 K. You can assume that the reactor is ideal and that the total pressure is 1bar.See Answer
  • Q15: A metal consists of an equal mass ratio of lead and magnesium at 20 c estimate the mass density of this metal See Answer
  • Q16: A gas mixture has the following composition in mole present Methane ch$ 20 % ethylene c2h4 30 % nitrogen n2 50 % The temperature of the gas is 100 c and the pressure is 90 atm assume ideal gas behavior calculate the mass density of the mixture (glyco 3)See Answer
  • Q17: 5. Buoyancy: Consider an iceberg that has the shape of a rectangular prism with the following dimensions: length of 200 meters, width of 100 meters, and a height of 20 meters. The density of the ice is 920 kg/m³, while the density of seawater is 1,027 kg/m³. On a volume basis, what percentage of the iceberg sits above the level of the seawater? Include a schematic of the floating iceberg with your solution.See Answer
  • Q18: Fluid force on vertical plate: Determine the total force on the vertical plate that holds backwater (forces on plate are in equilibrium, and the plate is stationary) stored in a large rectangular tank at a depth from 0 to 20 meters, as indicated in the Figure 1 below. Consider the plate is held in place by pins at the A and B positions. The width of the plate (distance into the page) is 50 meters. Provide the answer in metric units (Newtons). See Answer
  • Q19: 4. Evaluation of tank wall thickness: Your boss tells you that the company has an unused 2.2 m3carbon steel tank (4 meters long) that he wants you to evaluate as to whether it is suitable foruse as a pressurized stirred tank reactor. He says the carbon steel walls of the tank have a thickness of 6 mm, and you are able to find that the tensile strength (ơtens) O of carbon steel is 260MPa. If your boss says you need to have a 2X safety factor in this pressure calculation, then what is the maximum working pressure that you calculate that this tank can be subjected to without any risk of rupture? Give your answer for the working pressure in psig. You will first need to calculate the tank diameter from the information given in the problem.See Answer
  • Q20: . A tank is filled with 100.0L of water which contains a solute A. The initial concentration of A in the tank is 10 g/L. Pure water flows into the tank at a rate of 2 L/sec. The solution flowing out has the same flow rate. We can assume that the concentration is dilute enough that the concentration of species A does not impact the volume of the solution so the volume in the tank will remain constant. (a) Derive an expression for concentration of A as a function of time. (b) How long will it take to reduce the concentration in the tank my 90% ? (c) How long will it take to reduce the concentration in the tank by 99%?See Answer

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