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  • Q1:3. What is the name of the process by which water forms on the outside of the glass? 4. If NO water is forming on the outside of one glass, explain why that is or what would need to change in order for you to see water form. Exercise 7.2: 1. The data in Table 1 were recorded on July 18 in Fullerton, California. Notice that the hours are given in military time (e.g., 0100 = 1:00 a.m. and 1300= 1:00 p.m.) and that temperatures are recorded in degrees Fahrenheit. Use the information in Table 1, to plot the air temperature and Relative Humidity experienced on July 18 (plot both on the same graph, using one color for temperature and one for Relative Humidity). Don't forget to label your graph. You can either plot the data on the chart provided OR enter the data into the Excel sheet provided. If you use the Excel sheet, please past a copy of the chart into your lab. Time Temperature (°F) 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 65 65 65 65 65 64 65 65 70 72 76 78 81 83 83 83 84 81 79 77 74 70 69 68 TABLE 1 Relative Humidity 83 84 85 86 84 84 83 82 75 71 64 57 55 52 51 50 47 51 56 59 67 75 78 80 N/nLab Seven: Humidity This lab is designed to help you understand the relationship between water vapor content, temperature and humidity. Objectives: Calculate relative humidity . Find relative humidity using sling psychrometer • Determine dew point temperature based on water vapor content Part 1: Relative Humidity and Dew Point Temperature Relative Humidity: Name Mixing Ratio: Saturation Mixing Ratio: Relative Humidity (%): Dew Point Temperature: describes how close the air is to saturation. It is expressed as a ratio of water vapor content (Mixing Ratio) to the total amount of water vapor the air mass can hold (Saturation Mixing Ratio) actual amount of water vapor present in a given parcel of air. Expressed as grams of water vapor/kilogram of dry air (g/kg). amount of water vapor (grams) a parcel of air can hold at a given temperature. Expressed as grams of water vapor/kilogram of air (g/kg). Mixing Ratio (Actual)/ Saturation Mixing Ratio (Capacity) x 100 the temperature to which a given parcel of air must cool, so that relative humidity is 100% Exercise 7.1: At home experiment: Step 1: Place a glass in the freezer until well chilled. Remove and fill with ice and water. Step 2: Take a different glass and fill it with room temperature water. Step 3: Wait 15-20 minutes. Take a picture of both glasses. Examine both glasses, then answer the following questions. 1. Explain, in detail, why water is forming on the outside of one glass but not the other. 2. Give all steps that must have occurred in order to make water form on the outside of the glass.See Answer
  • Q2: Lab Six: Insolation and Temperature This lab is designed to introduce you to the number of factors that influence temperature at Earth's surface. First, we will begin by studying how the amount of insolation received at the Earth's surface varies from place to place. The variation of insolation leads to variations in temperature. Other factors, such as, land- water contrasts, ocean currents, and wind patterns and air masses also influence temperatures. In addition, we will explore how altitude affects temperatures. Objectives: Measure surface variation in temperature Construct a temperature graph Calculate temperature range Name Part 1: Incoming Solar Radiation & Surface Variations The amount of incoming solar radiation (insolation) varies by latitude and by season. Since the sun's energy is our primary source of energy, this radiation imbalance leads to temperature differences. Why do we see this variation in insolation received? Atmospheric Obstruction- clouds, haze, etc. ** Both of these factors vary by latitude and by season Insolation received depends on: Angle of Incidence**- the angle at which the sun's rays hit the Earth's surface- direct vs oblique angles. Day Length**- the amount of time the sun is above the horizon Exercise 6.1: Calculate average annual temperature Identify global temperature patterns and to explore the reasons for these patterns. Calculate the Average Lapse Rate Recap from Lab 5. Select the BOLD word that is correct. 1. Places closer to the equator have HIGHER or LOWER solar altitudes and MORE or LESS variation in daylength. 2. Places closer to the poles have HIGHER or LOWER solar altitudes and MORE or LESS variation in daylength. Let's explore how surface variations affect the energy received. Albedo- the ability of an object to reflect radiation Low Albedo surfaces: asphalt, aged concrete, dark roof/paint, dark soil, dark rock, forests, grass High Albedo surfaces: snow/ ice, new concrete, light roof/ paint, sand/desert Select the BOLD word that is correct. 3. Light colored surfaces have a HIGHER or LOWER albedo, thus reflecting MORE or LESS energy. 4. Dark colored surfaces have a HIGHER or LOWER albedo, thus reflecting MORE or LESS energy. 1 5. Relating this to Earth, which of the following surfaces reflect more and which reflect less? Classify the following locations as having a low or high albedo. a. Antarctica (ice sheet) b. Lava Flow in Hawaii (black) c. Aged Concrete Sidewalk d. Greek Village with white houses Part 2: Annual Temperature Variations Temperature - sensible heat (energy that you feel) Air is heated from the ground up by outgoing longwave radiation emitted from the Earth, not by incoming shortwave insolation. There is a lag time between the Earth receiving the shortwave insolation and remitting the energy as longwave radiation. Although insolation peaks at noon, net radiation (the difference between incoming and outgoing energy) continues to be positive (i.e. there is a surplus of energy) until the early afternoon, causing temperatures to rise. Net radiation is negative (i.e. there is a deficit of energy) from early afternoon until sunrise, causing temperatures to cool down. This also happens on an annual basis- think about the hottest month of the year compared to the month seeing the highest solar altitude. There are two important measures of annual temperature. The first measure is the temperature range- the difference in temperature between the warmest month and the coldest month. This value is a very useful indicator of seasonality of temperature- the amount of temperature change over the year. The second is annual average temperature, which we will look at in Part 3. Maximum Temperature - Minimum Temperature Temperature Range: Exercise 6.2: Use the temperature graphs at the end of the lab to complete this section. 1. Calculate the Temperature Range for the following locations. Note: the temperatures displayed on the graphs are the average temperatures for each month. St. Louis has been completed for you. St. Louis, MO = Fairbanks, Alaska Lihue, HI Warmest Month- Average Temperature 78° F Coldest Month- Average Temperature 2. How does latitude affect temperature range? 30° F Temperature Range 78° -30° 48° 2 3. How does latitude affect temperature? Part 3: Coastal Versus Continental Locations Land heats and cools faster than water for the following reasons: LAND Lower Specific heat Immobile - prevents mixing Less Evaporation Radiation concentrated at surface Specific Heat: Amount of energy needs to raise 1 gram of a substance 1 degree of Celsius. Results: Continental locations experience greater seasonal extremes- hotter summers and colder winters (larger temperature range). Coastal locations experience more moderate, uniform temperatures (lower temperature range). Annual average temperature averages all high and low temperature values for a location over the course of the year to give a single, coarse measure of temperature. Average Annual Temperature = Sum of the temperatures/ Number of temperatures Exercise 6.3: Average Monthly Temperatures for 3 Cities: San Francisco, CA-- 37.6°N, 122.4°W Temperature | (°F) Temperature (°F) J 49 Wichita, Kansas-- 37.7°N, 97.4°W J 7 30 Temperature (°F) 52 J 39 F 33 Norfolk, Virginia-- 36.9°N, 76.2°W M 53 F 41 M 44 M 49 A 56 A 56 A 57 M 58 M 65 M 66 J 61 WATER Higher Specific Heat Mobile- allows mixing More Evaporation Radiation penetrates below surface J 74 J 74 J 63 J 80 J 78 A 64 A 79 A 77 S 64 S 70 S 72 O 61 O 58 O 61 N 55 N 44 N 52 D 49 D 34 D 44 1. Compute the Temperate Range and Average Annual Temperature for San Francisco, Wichita, and Norfolk. Check Your answer using the Lab Six Temperature Data Excel file. 3 2. Construct a temperature graph by plotting the Average Monthly Temperatures on the Graph below or by using Excel. Use red to plot San Francisco, blue for Wichita, and green for Norfolk. Annual Temperature Graph °F 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 O -10 J F M A M J J A 'S O N D 10°C(50°F) 5°C(41°F) 0°C(32°F) -5°C(23°F) 3. Based on the data provided, describe the relationship between continental/coastal locations and temperature range. 4. Why does San Francisco have a smaller temperature range than Norfolk, Virginia, even though both are located on coasts? Keep in mind that the prevailing winds are from the west. 4 Part 4: Average Lapse Rate- change in temperature as a result in altitude change. Average Lapse Rate: 3.6° F/ 1000 feet or 6.5° C/ 1000 meters Steps for calculating the Lapse Rate Example: If the temperature is 93.6° F at 1000 feet, what would the temperature be like at 5000 feet? Step 1: Find the Elevation Difference: Maximum – Minimum 5000-1000 = 4000 feet Step 2: Set up equivalent fractions and cross multiply: (Temp) 3.6° F X (Elevation) 1000 ft 4000 ft = (4000* 3.6)/1000 = 14.4° F Step 3: If calculating for a higher elevation, subtract degrees from starting temperature. If calculating for a low elevation, add degrees to starting temperature. 93.6° F 14.4° F = 79.2° F at 5000 ft Exercise 6.4: Calculate the temperature using the average lapse rate for the locations listed below. Round your answers to one decimal place. 1. Currently the temperature is 99° F in San Bernardino (elevation 1200 ft). Using the ALR, calculate the temperature in Big Bear Lake (elevation 6,752 ft) and San Gorgonio Peak (elevation 11,499 ft). You may want to sketch a diagram to help you visualize the problem. 2. Looking at the temperature graph for Lihue (elevation 103 ft) and Kilauea (elevation 1134 ft). Does the environmental lapse rate explain the temperature differences between these two locations? Explain your reasoning. 5/nSee Answer
  • Q3: 3) Based on the results from problem 1 and 2, estimate the hydrocarbon saturation in the reservoir if the log analysis indicates that the porosity is 20% and the true formation resistivity is 5.25 Nm.See Answer
  • Q4: A complete mix activated sludge system is being designed to address a flow from a primary treatment process of 1000 m³/day. The design includes a 6-day solids retention time and typical kinetic parameter at 15°C. The wastewater has a bCOD= 192g/m³, nbVSS=30 g/m³, and an inorganic concentration of 10 g/m³. The aeration tank should maintain a concentration of MLV-=2500 mg/L. Assume the rbsCOD is equal to BOD and that it is typically 68% of the bCOD. Provide detailed calculations and an explanation of the steps you performed. See Answer

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