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  • Q1:A voltaic cell is constructed in which the anode is a Cr²+ | Cr³+ half cell and the cathode is a Fe²+ | Fe³+ half cell. The half-cell compartments are connected by a salt bridge. (Use the lowest possible coefficients. Be sure to specify states such as (aq) or (s). If a box is not needed, leave it blank.) The anode reaction is: + The cathode reaction is: + The net cell reaction is: + In the external circuit, electrons migrate | electrode. In the salt bridge, anions migrate compartment. + the Fe²+ | Fe³+ electrode ( the Cr²+ | Cr³+ compartment ( the Cr²+ | Cr³+ *|Fe3+ the Fe²+See Answer
  • Q2:A voltaic cell is constructed in which the following cell reaction occurs. The half-cell compartments are connected by a salt bridge. Ni²+ (aq) + Mn(s) →→→ Ni(s) + Mn²+(aq) The anode reaction is: + The cathode reaction is: In the external circuit, electrons migrate In the salt bridge, anions migrate compartment. + the Ni Ni2+ electrode the Ni Ni2+ compartment ( Ac the Mn| Mn²+ electrode.. the Mn|Mn²+See Answer
  • Q3:A voltaic cell is constructed from a standard Co²+ | Co half cell (E° red = -0.280V) and a standard Cu²+ | Cu* half cell (E° red= 0.153V). (Use the lowest possible coefficients. Be sure to specify states such as (aq) or (s). If a box is not needed, leave it blank.) The anode reaction is: + The cathode reaction is: + The spontaneous cell reaction is: + The cell voltage is V. + + + ASee Answer
  • Q4:A voltaic cell is constructed from a standard Sn²+ | Sn half cell (E° red = -0.140V) and a standard Cd²+ | Cd 2+ half cell (Eºred = -0.403V). The anode reaction is: + The cathode reaction is: + The spontaneous cell reaction is: + The cell voltage is V. 1 + + +See Answer
  • Q5:Use standard reduction potentials to calculate the standard free energy change in kJ for the reaction: Hg²+ (aq) + Ni(s) → Hg(s) + Ni²+ (aq) 2+ Hg²+ (aq) + 2e¯ → Hg(s) Fred 0.855 V Ni2+ (aq) +2e → Ni(s) Ed=-0.250 V red = AG° = kJ K for this reaction would be = than one.See Answer
  • Q6:When the following half reaction is balanced under acidic conditions, what are the coefficients of the species shown? | Cl₂ + H₂O CIO3+ H+ In the above half reaction, the oxidation state of chlorine changes from + to +See Answer
  • Q7:With the most accuracy, calculate the current density of an iron reduction reaction, Fe3+ (aq) + e- = Fe2+ (aq) on Pt electrode in 1 mol/L H2SO4(aq) solution at 25 °C at an anodic polarization of n = 25 mV, if the exchange current density is 2 x10-3 A/cm2 and the transfer coefficient is 0.42 A) 1.95 mA/cm2 B) 3.52 mA/cm2 C) 2.19 mA/cm2 Points Earned: Correct Answer(s): C 0.0/4.0See Answer
  • Q8:A fast, reversible, single electron, charge transfer reaction is being investigated with CV. For a scan rate of 50 mV/s, a bulk concentration of 3.2 mmol/L, B = 0.5 and a diffusion coefficient of 10^-5 cm2/s what was the maximum peak current density? A) 7.4 A/cm2 B) 5.2 mA/cm2 C) 5.2 A/cm2 D) 7.4 mA/cm2 Points Earned: Correct Answer(s): D 0.0/4.0See Answer
  • Q9:Calculate the diffusion overpotential for hydrogen formation, 2H+(aq) + 2e- = H2(g) at current density of 0.25 A/cm2 and temperature of 25 °C, if the limiting current is 1 A/cm2 A) -7.40 mV B) -0.31 mV C) -3.70 mV Points Earned: Correct Answer(s): C 4.0/4.0See Answer
  • Q10:Calculate the anodic charge transfer overpotential for the oxygen half-reaction, (1/2)02(g) + 2H+ + 2e = H2O(l) on Pt in 1 mol/L H2SO4(aq) solution at 25 °C if the exchange current density is 10-6 A/cm2, the transfer coefficient is 0.75, the current density is 0.1 A/cm2 and the limiting current density is 0.2 A/cm2 A) 8.90 mV B) 0.383 V C) 0.592 V Points Earned: Correct Answer(s): C 0.0/4.0See Answer
  • Q11:for a Cu2+/Cu+ electrochemical couple with a diffusion coefficient for the electrochemically active species as 10^-5 cm2/s, a bulk concentration of 2 mol/L, a Nernst diffusion layer of 10 μm and a current density of 0.5 A/cm2 at 25 °C, what is the theoretical mass transfer overpotential? A) -0.67 mV B) -6.66 mV C) -7.71 mV D) 14.21 mV Points Earned: Correct Answer(s): C 0.0/4.0See Answer
  • Q12:For a Cu2+/Cu+ electrochemical couple under charge transfer control with an exchange current density of 2 10^-3 A/cm2, an asymmetry parameter of 0.5 and an overpotential of 5 mV at 25 °C, what is the theoretical current density? A) 1.40 mA/cm2 B) 701 mA/cm2 C) 0.70 mA/cm2 D) 8.36 mA/cm2 Points Earned: Correct Answer(s): C 0.0/4.0See Answer
  • Q13:Introduction (2.0 Points) In your own words, describe the purpose of the experiment and the theory supporting the study. This section should be a few paragraphs long. Experimental Procedure (2.0 Points) In your own words, describe the procedure used. Include figures as necessary. Experimental Results (2.5 Points) This section should include all data collected. Units should be included with all measurements. Graphs should have well labeled axes and use appropriate scales. All calculations performed to get the final result should be detailed here. Discussion and Conclusions (3.0 Points) This section should restate the final result of the experiment and a comparison should be made between the experimental and theoretical results. Sources of error should be discussed here. 1 point for summary and implications - why is the data important, what does it imply? 1 maint fo.. JabaSee Answer
  • Q14:(1) Consider the following charge conservation equation for an electrode, 8² os Əx² with boundary conditions and Jeff' = a,Fj, dos (0,t) = 0 ər аф, Әх tapp Jeff A where app and A are the applied current and the area of the electrode. (L,t): By integrating the charge conservation equation, determine the relationship between the input current tapp (t) and the average lithium flux given by Jang = (x, t)dr.See Answer
  • Q15:(2) Consider diffusion in a spherical particle governed by with boundary conditions and əc Ət D₂ acs Ər dcs Ər a²c, 20c + Ər² rər = (0, t) = 0, (R, t) -2 = where D, is the diffusion coefficient, R is the radius of the spherical particle. Determine a differential equation for the volume-averaged concentration given by, R ² = — - [² cs(r, t)dV. Hints 4 • The volume of a sphere with a radius r is V = = ³3. • The area of a sphere with a radius r is A = r² and hence the infinitesimal volume dV = 4r²dr.See Answer
  • Q16:(3) Consider a Single Particle electrochemical model that predicts a battery cell voltage by including Li-ion diffusion dynamics in the positive and negative electrodes¹. The model is based on the following paper: Di Domenico, D., Stefanopoulou, A. and Fiengo, G.; Lithium-ion battery state of charge and critical charge estimation using an electrochemical model-based extended Kalman filter, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, vol. 132, no. 6, 2010. (i) Plot the positive and the negative equilibrium potentials, Up and Un, respectively, for the en- tire range of 0 ≤ SOC ≤ 1 using 0% and 100% normalized concentration values provided in run_model_skeleton.m. Un = 8.0029+ 5.0647x12.5782-0.5 8.632210-4-¹+2.176510-5³/2 -0.46016 exp(15.0(0.06 - x)) - 0.55364 exp(-2.4326(x - 0.92)) Up = -18.6000y³ +31.1854y² - 17.9895y + 7.4810 Cse.n Cs,max,n and y = Cse.p Cs,max.p where z = respectively. The figure should consist of two subplots; the first for Up and the second for Un, both plotted against SOC. Include your name in the title. are normalized concentration at negative and positive electrodes (ii) Fill in the blank system matrix equations in run_model_skeleton.m. Submit your code. (iii) Simulate the model using the input already in the HW3SP_model.mdl. Submit a plot of the resulting Cse,n and Csep in the following format. One figure with two subplots; first subplot charts Csep vs. time (in seconds), and the second plots Cse,n vs. time (in seconds). Include your name in the title.See Answer
  • Q17: Introduction In this practical you are going to do a series of experiments concerning electrochemistry. In part 1 you will learn to set up an electrochemical cell using copper and nickel and how to measure the EMF of the cell. In parts 2 and 3 you will use a microscale experiment to investigate the reactivity series of four metals and the effect of concentration on cell potential. In part 4 you will use electrolysis to extract tin metal from a solution of tin chloride. Method During the experiment, record ALL observations. There is a table at the end of these instructions for you to use or prepare your own tables. Experiment 1: Preparation of a copper/nickel electrochemical cell. E = +0.34 V Cathode E° = -0.26 V anode Cu²+ (aq) + 2e →→ Cu(s) Ni2+ (aq) + 2e →→→ Ni(s) step o 1. Add 30 cm³ of the 0.1 moldm3 copper sulphate to a labelled 50 cm³ beaker and 30 cm³ 0.1 moldm³ nickel sulphate to another. Predict which metal will form the anode and which will form the cathode using the E° values given. Label the beakers accordingly. 2. Place the nickel metal strip in the beaker containing the nickel sulphate and the copper metal strip in the beaker containing the copper sulphate. First thing 3Soak a strip of filter paper in a saturated solution of potassium nitrate and then use this to connect the beakers as a salt bridge. 4. Connect the anodic cell to the negative terminal of the voltmeter and the anodic cell to the positive terminal. 5. Set the voltmeter to 20V and record the EMF of the cell. (2000 mV) - 6omv-62mv Experiment 2: Microscale Electrochemistry already calculated and made X Make 1 cm³ of 1 mol dm3 copper (II) sulphate solution. RMM copper (II) sulphate pentahydrate = 249.7 gmol-¹. You will need to calculate the mass required. The mass of copper sulphate will be quite small so weigh this carefully. 2. Fold your filter paper into quarters and cut out a portion to form a flower shape. See the diagram below. Cut on the dotted line "Flower shape" 3. Place your filter paper flower in a petri dish, fold any excess over the edge. 4. Use a pencil to label each petal with each of the four metals you will be testing: copper, zinc, nickel and magnesium. 5. Place a small square of the metal on the appropriate petal of the flower. 6. Add three drops of the appropriate 1.0 moldm-3 metal ion sulphate solution on to the petal around the edge corresponding piece of metal. Make sure the solution soaks into the filter paper. 7. Add enough potassium nitrate solution to the centre of the flower so it meets the dampened petals. - 20mV + 8. Place the positive probe of the voltmeter on the copper foil and the negative probe on the zinc. Measure and record the potential. Switch the probes and record the potential again. 1.39 му Ni 9. Repeat step 8 with the other metals combinations. e Produced in oxidation from anode Half cell combination = Negative Half cell black red = Positive Corp binathon Cu, Zn, Ni, Mg Zn 2n which metal which metal | E.cell is anode is cathode 41 уси Ni Mg мд CU Mg Zn cu 0.85 Ni Zn Ni си Voltmetre Cathode EMF (Mr) 0.85 0.75 1.39 0.60 0.16 anoole 0.06 Half-cell combination cozn Zn Ni MgNi чимд. CUNI CUMg repeat step 7 in EXP.2 Experiment 3: Effect of concentration 1. Prepare another filter paper flower and petri dish. 2. Fill in the dilution table below and prepare 1 cm³ (1000 μl) of 0.1 moldm-1 and 1 cm³ of 0.01 moldm3 copper sulphate solutions in the microtubes provided. Label the lids. Target concentration Volume H₂O (moldm-³) 0.1 Target concentration (moldm-³) 0.01 Volume H₂O 900 3. Use a pencil to write the different concentrations of copper sulphate solutions in each of the four petals. Label two petals 1.0 moldm-³. (10)(0.01) Volume 1.0 moldm³ CuSO4 4. Place a small square of copper on each petal. Add three drops of the appropriate concentration copper sulphate solution at the edge of each piece of metal. (1.0) (1.0) 1.0 (1.0) (0.1) 0.1 To.1 (0.01) 0.1 0.01 Volume 0.1 moldm3 CuSO4 5. Place at negative probe of the voltmeter on the copper on one of the 1.0 moldm ³ petals and the negative probe on the other. Measure and record the potential. 0.07 6. Measure and record the potential between the copper on the 1.0 moldm-³ petal and the diluted solutions. CUSO4 which metal which metal Concenentation is anode moldm3 is cathode 1.0 1.0 100 0.01 1.0 E. cell EMF (Mr) exfo 2000mV 0.02 0.49 0.13 080.22 Part 4 Electrolysis of tin (II) chloride 1. Add enough 1.0 moldm3 tin (II) chloride in hydrochloric acid to a petri dish to cover the base to a depth of a few mm 2. Using two steel paper clips create electrodes that are submerged in the acidified tin solution by bending them over the edge of the petri dish as per the diagram below. کیا 3. Place a damp litmus paper in the lid of the petri dish use this to cover the base. 4. Connect one paper clip to the negative terminal of a 9V battery and the other to the positive terminal using the connecting leads and crocodile clips provided. 5. Record your observations. Th metal chloride formed Metal Scent on the e Cathode clip - litmus-Paper bleached write half-reaction Writing up your report - In general, follow the instructions in the hand-out on writing laboratory reports. Your report must be written in Arial 12, at least 1.5 line spacing and left justified. 10 This report is worth 20% of your SF05 module mark You must include: A clear concise Aim - Summarise what you are aiming to find out in a couple of sentencesSee Answer
  • Q18:/nGnS04 159.6 g/mol PenCl₂ 214.77 g/mol ZASOA 287.56 g/mol Re-Buck Cu-Sr 0.501 V WEIGHT 1.5955 g 2.1462 2.8844 g Ku-Zn 1.077 V Sn-Zn 0.591 V/n MSE 110 Laboratory Manual Structure Characterization Properties Processing Performance Department of Materials Science and Engineering LAB 1: Atomic Spectra and Balmer's Experiment 1- Introduction: According to De Broglie's principle, particles with small masses and high velocity can exhibit quantum behavior. In effect, they behave like waves. Electrons orbiting around a nucleus indeed have wavelike characteristics. In particular, they interfere constructively to produce standing waves so that only the orbits which satisfy nλ= 2är are stable (where λ is the wavelength of the electron and r is the radius of the orbit). It derives that electrons can only exist on specific orbits with specific energies, as depicted for the simplistic Bohr hydrogen atom model in Fig. 1. E3 E2 hv Ef E1 hv-E-Ef Fig. 1: Left: Standing wave on a circular orbit. Right: Bohr hydrogen atom model. When an atom absorbs energy (for example in the form of an electric discharge), electrons can be promoted onto higher levels, but they eventually relax back down by re-emitting that energy in the form of a photon (Fig. 1). The photon energy if therefore a measure of the difference in energy between the atomic levels: hv Ef -Ei. The sum of all the photons emitted by an atom is called the "atomic spectrum” and contains information on all the electronic energy levels present in a given atom. = Balmer was the first to observe these atomic spectra back in 1885, although at the time he did not understand its relevance to quantization. Nevertheless, he was able to derive what is now known as the Rydberg constant which permits to quantify the difference in energy between electronic levels of the hydrogen atom. In this lab, you will use a modern spectrometer to duplicate Balmer's experiment and experimentally determine the value of the Rydberg constant. You will first assess the calibration and estimate the resolution of the spectrometer using a helium discharge lamp as a calibration standard. You will then use the spectrometer to measure the energy level of the hydrogen atom and derive an experimental value of the Rydberg constant. 2- Experimental Procedure: List of materials • An helium discharge lamp • A hydrogen discharge lamp A spectrometer Procedure Step 1: Calibration and resolution of the spectrometer 1- Log into the computer (click MSE110LAB) and open the SpectraSuite program. The software should display a flat spectrum (Fig. 2). 2- Bring the helium discharge lamp within an inch of the fiber connected to the spectrometer. 3- Turn on the lamp. A spectrum with multiple peaks should appear on the graph of the software. 4- Lower the Integration time (point A in Fig. 2) until the highest peak intensity is below the maxim of 4000 counts on the graph. Increase the Scans to Average (point B on Fig. 2) until the spectrum intensity stabilizes. 5- Save the spectrum (point C on Fig. 2). In the dialog box use the drop down menu to select the File Type as “Tab Delimited, No Header" (point D in Fig. 2). Browse to save the file on the Desktop. 6- Open Excel, browse for the file using "All Files" and open it. 7- Graph the spectrum on Excel. 8- From your data determine the wavelength resolution of the spectrometer. 9- Determine and record the wavelength of each peak at their maximum intensity. Step 2: Experimental derivation of the Rydberg constant. 1- Bring the hydrogen discharge lamp within an inch of the fiber connected to the spectrometer. 2- Turn on the lamp and lower the integration time as detailed in step 1. 3- Save and plot the spectrum with Excel as detailed in step 1. 4- Determine and record the position of the three peaks at their maximum intensity. A File View SpectrometProcessing Tools Window Help B Integration Time: Scans to 100 milliseconds 100 Boxcar A 1 Nonlinearity Data Sources RED Average: Width: Correction: Stray Light Correction: External Trigger: Normal II Strobe Lamp Enable: Electric Dark Correction: IK C Graph (A) x USB650 Q Q Q @ + 90 SATRI Acquisition Int time: 100ms, avg: 1, b No Pre-processor, Sco Result Properties Data Views Graph (A) Graph (A) Intensity (counts) 4000- 3000- 2000- SpectraSuite Save Spectrum ...Spectrometers Processing 0 USB2G40989 No Pre-processor, Scope Mode Filename: Browse... Spectrum View 120 100- 80- Desired Spectrum: Processed Spectrum File Type: OOI Binary Format Grams SPC CAMP-OX Tab Delimited 300 1000 Wavelength (nm) Tab Delimited, No Header D Save Close File name is required. 1000- Source: USB2G40989 400 500 Wavelength (nm): 1000.00 Oot Binary Format 600 700 Wavelength (nm) 800 900 1000 Fig. 2: View of the SpectraSuite software for collection of atomic spectra. ΜΕ 3- Calculations Knowing the wavelength resolution of the spectrometer, calculate the energy resolution (difference in energy between two adjacent measurement points), at 400 nm and 800nm. hc E = λ Express the energy resolution AE in Joules and in eV. Compare the values of the spectral line collected in step 1 to the National Institute of Standard and Technology values reported in Table 1. Intensity (relative) Wavelength (nm) 300 388.86 200 447.15 30 471.32 20 492.19 100 501.56 500 587.56 200 667.81 100 706.52 50 728.13 Table 1: Main lines of the atomic spectrum of helium from NIST. Estimate the Rydberg constant using the Balmer's relation: 1 λ = R H 1 22 - 1 n 2 Use Excel to plot versus λ (12/17) with n=3,4,5 and obtain the slope of the plot to derive the n Rydberg constant. Your report should include: 1- An Excel graph of atomic spectra for helium and hydrogen. 2- The energy resolution of the spectrometer at 400nm and 800nm in Joules and ev 3- A table comparing the values of helium spectral line collected experimentally to the standard values. 4- A discussion of whether the error on your measurement is within the wavelength resolution of the spectrometer. 5- A list of the spectral line for the hydrogen atom. 6- An Excel graph of versus 1 λ 1 1 and the derived Rydberg constant. 22 2 n 7- A discussion of how accurate your derivation is compared to the actual value and what could be the source of error.See Answer
  • Q19:1. Consider each of the following electrode-aqueous solution interface (half-cell), and write the equation for the electrode reaction that occurs first when the potential is moved in (1) a negative direction and (2) a positive direction from the open-circuit potential (OCP). Next to each reaction write the approximate onset potential for the reaction in V vs. NHE. Use Appendix C in the Bard & Faulkner textbook as reference to obtain standard potentials of various possible reactions. Be aware that on Hg electrodes the hydrogen evolution reaction is kinetically slow, as discussed in our lectures. Assume all other possible reactions are kinetically fast and follow thermodynamic predictions. All the cells are at room temperature. (a) Pt/Cd²+ (0.01 M), Fe²+ (0.01 M), H₂SO4 (1 M) (b) Pt/Fe²+ (0.01 M), Fe³+ (0.01 M), H₂SO4 (1 M) (c) Hg/Zn²+ (0.01 M), Ca²+ (0.01 M), HCl (1 M)See Answer
  • Q20:2. A 0.1 cm² electrode with EDL capacitance of 20 µF/cm² is subjected to a potential step under conditions where the solution resistance is 1, 10, or 100 . Assume only nonfaradaic processes occur. In each case, what is the time required for the double-layer charging to be 95% complete?See Answer

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