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Recently Asked electromagnetic field Questions

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  • Q1: Continuing with Problem 3-1, enable the admittance coordinates on the Smith chart to add a shunt element. Add a shunt capacitance to move the impedance to the real axis. Measure the susceptance required to move to the real impedance axis by the difference between the intersecting susceptance lines.See Answer
  • Q2: Using ADS, create a constant VSWR circle for a VSWR=20.Comment on the VSWR value required to place the VSWR circle on the circumference of the Smith chart.See Answer
  • Q3: - Model a chip resistor (size 0603) with a resistance of 502 in ADS.a Consider an application in which 502 impedance must be maintained with +10%. Create a linear analysis and determine the maximum usable frequency of the chip resistor.See Answer
  • Q4: (a)Use macroscopic Ohm's and Kirchhoff's laws to demonstrate that the total resistance of two resistors connected in series in a circuit equates the sum of their resistance.[6] (b)Use macroscopic Ohm's and Kirchhoff's laws to demonstrate that the total resistance R of two resistors of resistance R and R2 connected 5]in parallel is R =(R;'+R').-1 Calculate the total capacitance C that two capacitors with capacitanceC1 = 1 pF and C,in series.(c)= 2 pF introduce in a circuit if they are connected in series Calculate the total capacitance C that two capacitors with capacitance C1 = 11 pF and C2 = 22 pF introduce in a circuit if they are connected in parallel.See Answer
  • Q5: Problem 6.6 Of the following materials, which would you expect to be paramagnetic and which diamagnetic: aluminum, copper, copper chloride (CuCl2), carbon,lead, nitrogen (N2), salt (NaCl), sodium, sulfur, water? (Actually, copper is slightly diamagnetic; otherwise they're all what you'd expect.)See Answer
  • Q6: A three phase stator setup for an electrical machine is shown below. If the current leaves the col from a(1) and enters the coil from a .What is the direction of the magnetic field produced? Right • Up • Down LeftSee Answer
  • Q7: (a) Determine the net power flux P(t) entering the box due to a plane wave in air given by \begin{array}{l} \mathbf{E}=\hat{\mathbf{x}} 100 \mathrm{e}^{-20 \mathrm{y}} \cos \left(2 \pi \times 10^{9} t-40 y\right) \quad(\mathrm{V} / \mathrm{m}) \\ \mathbf{H}=-\hat{\mathbf{z}} 0.64 \mathrm{e}^{-20 \mathrm{y}} \cos \left(2 \pi \times 10^{9} t-40 y-36.85^{\circ}\right) \quad(\mathrm{A} / \mathrm{m}) \end{array} (b) Determine the net time-average power entering the box.The box has dimensions: a = 1 cm, b = 2 cm, and c = 0.5 cm. Problem 7.4 Consider the imaginary rectangular box shown in Fig. P7.4.See Answer
  • Q8: Problem 7.1 An RHC-polarized wave with a modulus of 2 (V/m) is traveling in free space in the negative z-direction. Write the expression for the wave's electric field vector, given that the wavelength is 6 cm. See Answer
  • Q9: Problem 7.3 The electric field of a plane wave propagating in a nonmagnetic medium is given by \mathbf{E}=\hat{\mathbf{z}} 25 e^{-30 x} \cos \left(2 \pi \times 10^{9} t-40 x\right) Obtain the corresponding expression for H.See Answer
  • Q10: PART 3 A) Power dissipated by resistor R2. а. 45.6 W b. 32.4 W С. 28.4 W d. 10.6 W е. 82.4 W B) Voltage at R3. Unique option. а.110 V b. 60 V С. 200 V d. 350 V е. 50 V C) Total current in R1. Unique option. a.8.4 A b. 10.2 A С. 12 А d. 1.6 A е. 0.4 A D) Voltage at R5. Unique option. а .12 V b. 24 V с. 36 V d. 48 V е.60 VSee Answer
  • Q11: Capacitors: Typical Curve for a DC voltage charging a capacitor AC Current in Capacitors The effect of Capacitors on AC Current Inductors: The effect of Inductors on AC Current Comparison of Capacitors and Inductors. See Answer
  • Q12: 3. Two long, metallic cylinders are centered on the z-axis. The inner cylinder, of radius 1 m, is held at 1 V. The outer cylinder, of radius 2 m, is held at -1 V. Find the radius at which & = 0.See Answer
  • Q13: 4.49 An infinitely long cylinder of radius a is surrounded by a dielectric medium that contains no free charges. If the tangential component of the electric field in the region r>a is \text { given by } \mathbf{E}_{t}=-\hat{\phi} \cos \phi / r^{2}, \text { find } \mathbf{E} \text { in that region. }See Answer
  • Q14: 4-3.The primary of a transformer has 200 turns and is excited by a 60-Hz, 220-V source. a. Find the maximum value of the core flux. b. Let a voltage v = 155.5 sin 377t + 15.5 sin 1131t (V) be applied to the transformer primary. Neglecting leakage, determine the instantaneous and rms values of the core flux.See Answer
  • Q15: 3. Мagnetiс Force:You are given two current loops, both situated in the z = 0 plane. Both are carrying currents flowing in a counter-clockwise direction, as show. IfI, = I, = 1A , determine the net force exerted on loop two. You are to perform the numerical calculation by modifying the Matlab program on page 6 of the notes for Lecture 12. This Matlab program is included with this assignment. See Answer
  • Q16: 22 Consider a current I = 1 A flowing in the positive y direction through a rectangular conductor as shown in Figure Q2. The conductor has length L width a = 1 cm, and height b=0.1 cm. Suppose that a magnetic field B = Bàpermeates uniformly the conductor, with B = 10 T.= 4 cm, Briefly explain why a potential difference AV = V - V, arises at the equilibrium between the left and right sides of the conductor, as shown in the figure.(a) Starting from J = ng qữa and considering the Lorentz force, derive the force acting on the carriers responsible for the current I function of the relevant parameters a, b, 1, B and the carrier density ng. Use such result to demonstrate that the carriers responsible for the current in the metal are negatively charged if the potential difference measured between the left and the right facets of the conductor is positive:AV = V - V, > 0. To this end, consider that V - V, is positive if the carriers accumulated on the right side have a negative charge.(b) Suppose that the carriers are electrons (qe = -1.6 x 10-19 C) and thatAV = V - V, = 22 x 10-6 V. Calculate the carrier density n, in the metal, expressed in units of m.(c)-3 Hence or otherwise, suppose that the current I is induced by a generator keeping the potential difference between the input and output facets (Sin and Sout) at a constant value delta Vt/00.002v What is the resistivity p of the conductor (in ohmsm)?= See Answer
  • Q17: Place a 20 + j30 N impedance at point A on the Smith chart. Add a series inductance to move the impedance along the constant resistance circle to point B having the impedance 20 + j50 N. Using a design frequency of 1000MHZ, calculate the inductance that this reactance represents.See Answer
  • Q18: Problem 7.2 Generate a plot for the skin depth Os versus frequency for seawater for the range from 1 kHz to 10 GHz (use log-log scales). The constitutive parameters of seawater are ur = 1, Er = 80, and o = 4 S/m.See Answer
  • Q19: Which transistor amplifier configuration is the most commonly used?See Answer
  • Q20: (a)Consider a region of space free from matter and from magnetic fields.Show that it cannot be permeated by an electric field of the form: \vec{E}(x, y, z)=\frac{A}{2}(y \hat{x}-x \hat{y}+z \hat{z}) where A is a constant value different from zero and with units V/m2. Now, consider that a magnetic field permeates the region of(a). Write an expression representing a time-varying magnetic field B(x,y, 2, t) that renders the vector field proposed in (a) suitable to describe an electric field. Check and demonstrate that the expression you found is a suitable representation of a magnetic field. Hence or otherwise, show that: \vec{B}=K x \hat{x}+K y \hat{y}+A t \hat{z} is not an adequate expression for amagnetic field for K #0 T/m2. is not an adequate expression for a magnetic field for K 0 T/m2.See Answer

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